Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Warren Buffett's Game, American Democracy And Fair Play

Warren Buffett is a charming man who just made 9% dividend (500 Million) plus 9% stake in Goldman Sachs plus stock options on his 5 Billion investment. And Mr. Buffett went on the TV circuit to lobby the bailout. He knows how to skim public money when he See's one coming just like other the so called free marketeers.

The game play of Congress will give by the time Monday comes 700 Billions, not 5 Billions, with no return, no stake in companies benefiting the tax payer bailout, and will buy the so called asset (the junk asset that is).

According to Paulson, he worked months on this plan in secrecy I suppose somewhere to save and reward his market colleagues where he use to be CEO of Goldman Sachs before becoming the U.S. Treasury secretary: An American fair play model for the globalized world?

After the give away, the politicians will do their song and dance to tell the tax payer that they did all this in the name of Country first, and in tax payer's best interest. And that they have found some scape goats golden parachutes, CEO salaries, and an oversight to oversight, I guess the junk securities: An American model democracy in play?

A time to ponder..............

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