Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ask Those Who Benefited From Free Market Mania And Tax Cut For Bailout

Failure to pass bailout threatens economy, says Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman.

What is he talking about? Is he looking for a bailout scape goat?

The economy already has been threatened, and is threatened by Bush/Greenspan free market mania. Now it is the former Goldman Sack CEO Paulson mania. Economy is threatened and destroyed by free market mania including junk securities, not because lack of bailout.

Ask for tax cut refund from the rich, and the corporations who failed to generate economy for which the tax cut was intended as an incentive.

Ask Bush/Cheney/Greenspan to step up, and take responsibility, and pay for failed policies.

Ask those who created junk security, and played with other peoples money step up and pay.

Ask those who enjoyed hefty millions of dollars in CEO salaries, golden parachutes, bonuses to come up with bailout.

Rebuild America with whatever resources country can muster rather than buy junk securities.

A time to ponder.....................

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