Tuesday, September 30, 2008

America Needs Cool Heads, And Change In Policy Not Bailout

Market recovers this morning. It will go through some ups and downs, and will recover without bailout. The call for a change in economic policy such as expand FDIC insurance, transfer wealth to wall street, and Bush fast pulls are all expanding profit privatazation and loss socialization.

Yesterday, market was down. Pundits were blaming Congress. Get the facts straight: first market was not as down as it was in 1987, and the market had survived without bailout. Second, it was not the failed bailout that made market go down. It is the failed economic and national policy of eight years or more, and the looting of the free marketeers which is causing the market to adjust.

America needs cool heads, and change in policy to build American industrial base and infrastructure including energy independence and renewable energy, not bailout and transfer of wealth.

The Republicans and the Democrats those who voted against the bailout indeed have demonstrated courage. Get it right, and think again before spending good money after the bad.

There are other options other than bailout, including the business restructuring, and loans.

Reader may read the following Commentary Plus briefs on current financial fiasco, and bailout mania:

1. Warren Buffette's Game, American Democracy And Fair Play.

2. American Fair Play At Risk.

3. No Political Sell Out, No Quick Fixes, Fast Pulls, And Scape Goats.

4. Eight Years Of Fiat And Fast Pull. It's Time To Build America, Not Bailout.

5. Dean Barber, President Barber Group Must Take Responsibility. No Bailout.

6. Henry Paulson Mania. It's shameful.

7. Ask Those Who Benefited From Free Market And Tax Cut For Bailout.

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