Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Save Planet From Theocracy And Hypocrisy Of Our Time

Election fever is on the rise, Karlrovians are busy in swiftboating, drilling and digging.

Divergenites are covering up their deeds in talks, and speech full with falsehood singing.

BushMcCainites are for the glory to save the legacies of Nixonite, Reganites, Busites, and Clintonites; Personal glory without futuristic scientific insight; There is no courage in advocating to win a war while destroying the constitution, personal liberty, and democracy.

Swat teams on rise, economy and education on decline; There is no thoughtful thought in sublime when thoughts are governed by theocracy archetype, and hypocrisy.

Rise up, and save the liberty, justice, and transform from theocracy archetype, and hypocrisy of our time.

A time to ponder.............

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