Sunday, September 7, 2008

Father McCain's Extremist Choice And Mother Sarah's Double Talk

A choice of extremist soul mate (Father McCain's words) has brought to surface Father McCain's extremist archetype from Vietnam war.

An archetype which has aspired Father McCain in international context by supporting all kinds of war fares such as Contras, preemptive war in Iraq, and surge to build walls, and compounding the lives of millions displaced, and killed, and by arming waring factions for possible bloody civil war.

The people are suffering,and these are tough times, says Father McCain with crafted believable face; So, Father McCain says let's make the Bush tax cut permanent, and fill the poor and middle class with trickle down slot.

Mother Sarah likes Pork-barrel, keeps the Pork-barrel rewards, and asks for Pork-barrel; Then again, now she says she does not like Pork-barrel; Mother Sarah, tell us mortals with your Divine grace which one of you to believe, and which one of you is just a talk.

Mother Sarah believes in freedom of making free choices for herself; In her Divine grace, she freely chooses whatever she desires for herself, and for her family.....but there is no freedom of choices for other mortals as they struggle to live and survive from Father McCain and Mother Sarah's duplicity talk.

A time to ponder.........................

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