Friday, September 5, 2008

Ideas, Ideals, And Values

During the Republican convention the words such as ideas, ideal, and values were frequently used without explaining what those words were used for............

Commentary Plus presents some of the following possible options to consider:

Ideas, ideal, and values to promote fear or hope.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote diversion or face the issues.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote cover up for the eight years of failure or face up to it.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote wider gaps between have knots and haves or lower the gap.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote the Military industrial complex
feared by President Eisenhower or keep it under control.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote alternate renewable energy or
continue the fossil fuel dependency.
Ideas,ideal, and values to promote Public Education or water down public education.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote Privatisation of public property
such as roads, parks, and social security or keep them safe from private marketeers.

Finally, Ideas, ideal, and values to promote America to lead or bleed.

A time to ponder.......................

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