Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Split

The planet earth's beauty, and potential to reach high planetary moral ground has yet to be achieved by peaceful civilized civil culture that has yet to be born.

Currently, the planet is hijacked by power and control seeker war mongers waging wars on each other; The inequality and ignorance surrounds the planet's every corner; Theocracy of all kinds, and hypocrisy of all colors are on the rise; Wars are waged; Heroes are created for waging wars on unequals; Planet's resources are squandered for bombs, and more bombs; Is this what is called civilized civil culture? or groups of vultures under the disguise of civilized civil culture.

The planet has plenty of bounty to share with it's inhabitants; Inhabitants carnivorous desires though are anything but desire to share; The transient sharing illusions are created as nations, until they turn for the killing, the killing of each other. Is this what is called civilized civil culture? or groups of vultures under the disguise of civilized civil culture.

The carnivorous civil orders have created arts, science, and academies only to convert them for no other purpose but to seek power to control, subjugate, and spread the ideologies of power and control. Is this what is called civilized civil culture? or groups of vultures under the disguise of civilized civil culture.

A time to ponder.......................

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