Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Henry Paulson Mania, It's Shameful

"It's embarrassing to look at this, and I think it's embarrassing to the United States of America", says Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary and former CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Mr. Paulson, let us get the facts straight. It is not embarrassing to the United States of America. It is embarrassing to Bush/Greenspan policies, and free marketeers.

It's about time to ask tax cut beneficiaries, hefty paid CEO, golden parachute beneficiaries and millions of dollars bonus seekers, and expansion of wealth beneficiaries to step up and pay for the bailout.

It is shameful of Bernanke, Paulson, and alike to ask the Americans whose money Wall Street mismanaged to bailout, and reward the mismanaged financial market.

Build America with whatever resources could be mustered, not to buy the junk securities and reward mismanagement of whoever it, he, or she may be.

A time to ponder.........................

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