Saturday, September 20, 2008

America's Ninety Five Percent Tax Payers Are Cooked

America's ninety five percent tax payers are cooked in multiple blaze while five percent rejoice, or whatever.

To this date fifty percent of ninety five percent are aware, and the rest are preoccupied with race, gender, lipstick, earmark, and bridge to nowhwere.

Some of the multiple blaze that cooked America:

Regan Trickle down economy.

Clinton Free Trade with no back up
restructure plan with the surplus.


Greenspan Free Market give away.

Bush/Cheney Tax cut for the rich and super rich.

Iraq war, big American Embassy, and base to nowhere.

Henry Paulson Mania & Bush trillion dollars for junk securities.

Country needs a plan to come out of this mess, not the repeat cooked plan.

The plan to include:

Creation of new industrial base to include renewable energy.

Investment in infrastructure, renewable energy, education, health care, and child care.

Tax restructure (proportionate burden sharing)

Above all.....

A politics of building America, not the politics of waging wars, lipstick, and bridge to nowhere

A time to ponder............................

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