Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Courage And The Character Of A Warrior

The courage and the character of a warrior to be judged by warrior's acceptance, or regret, or denial of a war waged against a country which had not waged war against the country waging the war.

The courage and the character of a warrior to be judged by warrior's self glorification, or warrior's reflections regarding the mistakes, and the drudgery of war.

The courage and the character of a warrior to be judged by warrior's indulgence in self suffering, or warrior's reflections on all the sufferings caused by war.

The election is not to elect a waring warrior; The election is to elect a leader in a trouble world.

The election is not to elect a waring warrior; The election is to elect a leader who can save the world from the drudgery of war.

A time to ponder......................

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