Thursday, September 11, 2008

There Is Not Much Hope For A Free Journalism Any More

There is not much hope for a free journalism any more.

All the employers are corporate owned; journalists are embedded commodities for profit and talk shows, and nothing more.

William Safire and the like with medal of honor laughing all the way to Bank with roar.

The world order is for wealth creation for corporate order, and trickle down alms for the rest; Journalists are for morning, noon, evening, and night shows; This is what is the modern day royalty court, and more.

Live and work for modern day corporate royalty to preserve their dynasty, and be embedded to receive their alms; Not much has changed since glorious days of kings and queens except that it is easier for the modern day royals to collect money, and accumulate the wealth even more.

There is not much hope for a free journalism any more.

A time to Ponder......................

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