Tuesday, September 30, 2008
America Needs Cool Heads, And Change In Policy Not Bailout
Yesterday, market was down. Pundits were blaming Congress. Get the facts straight: first market was not as down as it was in 1987, and the market had survived without bailout. Second, it was not the failed bailout that made market go down. It is the failed economic and national policy of eight years or more, and the looting of the free marketeers which is causing the market to adjust.
America needs cool heads, and change in policy to build American industrial base and infrastructure including energy independence and renewable energy, not bailout and transfer of wealth.
The Republicans and the Democrats those who voted against the bailout indeed have demonstrated courage. Get it right, and think again before spending good money after the bad.
There are other options other than bailout, including the business restructuring, and loans.
Reader may read the following Commentary Plus briefs on current financial fiasco, and bailout mania:
1. Warren Buffette's Game, American Democracy And Fair Play.
2. American Fair Play At Risk.
3. No Political Sell Out, No Quick Fixes, Fast Pulls, And Scape Goats.
4. Eight Years Of Fiat And Fast Pull. It's Time To Build America, Not Bailout.
5. Dean Barber, President Barber Group Must Take Responsibility. No Bailout.
6. Henry Paulson Mania. It's shameful.
7. Ask Those Who Benefited From Free Market And Tax Cut For Bailout.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Debate
Barack Obama maintained professional attitude, looked into John McCain's closed and shifting eyes, and stated his point. John McCain acted like miniature Russian Khruschew in UN minus the shoe pounding. John McCain's behavior demonstrated a sign of a man with a weak, and bruised ego.
That sums it up.
A time to ponder.......................
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Desires Are The Pure Unadulterated Life's Living Experience
The desires of living to search deep inside the life to open the desirous desires.
Keep the shine of life to it's desirous journey in every moments of living desires.
Desires are the pure unadulterated life's living experience for no other purpose but to live and desire.
A time to ponder..................
Stillness, Calm, And Insight
The surrounding calm realms deep inside the living breeze with delight.
The surroundings speak with simmering insight of nature's mysterious sight.
Stillness, calm, and insight, the ultimate nature's gift to all living kind are in abundance to be experienced with wine and delight.
A time to ponder..................
Time For A New Politics
The creation of new Totem Poe is in the making to control the planet with a new shining nuclear sword.
The technology is on the move to make the world go around with a fraction of human mind and muscle cord.
The rest of human souls will either rest, and rust or worse; or be part of universal quest for learning, loving, and evolving to make humanity progressive, and secured.
To make humanity progressive, and secured: transform from ignorance, and dogmas of subjugation and control to progressive feelings, thoughts, and incentive to share and create; and be bold to hold the humanity's progressive mantles at a supreme cord.
A time is now for a new political dawn to escape from cheap slogans, and manipulative maneuverings to a new progressive incentive molds to roll and hold.
A time to ponder..................
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Warren Buffett's Game, American Democracy And Fair Play
The game play of Congress will give by the time Monday comes 700 Billions, not 5 Billions, with no return, no stake in companies benefiting the tax payer bailout, and will buy the so called asset (the junk asset that is).
According to Paulson, he worked months on this plan in secrecy I suppose somewhere to save and reward his market colleagues where he use to be CEO of Goldman Sachs before becoming the U.S. Treasury secretary: An American fair play model for the globalized world?
After the give away, the politicians will do their song and dance to tell the tax payer that they did all this in the name of Country first, and in tax payer's best interest. And that they have found some scape goats golden parachutes, CEO salaries, and an oversight to oversight, I guess the junk securities: An American model democracy in play?
A time to ponder..............
American Fair Play At Risk
Buffet invests 5 Billions in Goldman Sachs, and gets 9% equity stake, 9% dividend, and handful of stock options.
American people are asked to pay 700 Billions, get no equity stake in companies benefiting from 700 Billions, and get the so called asset--the junk asset that is. Is that what is the model of American fair play, Mr. Paulson?.
In a written statement to Congress, Mr. Paulson said that he has been working on this for months. Where, in secrecy some where in a building paid for by American people?
A masterpiece sad and embarrassing performance by USA Treasury Secretary.
That sums it up
A time to ponder.....................
No Sell Out, No Quick Fixes, Fast Pulls, And Scape Goats
The real culprits are making the killings, and stand to make killing behind all this overt fiasco. The Bush/Paulson et.al. fast pull is to benefit behind the scene super rich (the multi billionaires).
Tax payers money must have not only the oversight, but an over sight with a goal: to provide tax payer a return consistent with returns provided to super rich over time. Anything less than that would be a sell out at the cost of tax payer.
Second, the bailout must be paid first by the big tax cut beneficiaries of the past eight years.
A time to ponder...............
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
End Eight Years Of Fiat And Fast Pull Time To Build America, Not Bailout
Fast pull Iraq war, fast pull budget allocations, fast pull Bush/Greenspan free market, fast pull wealth transfer and tax cut for the wealthy, and now the fast full for bailout are just a few dreadful games of Bush White House.
No money to be found to build America an energy independent with renewable energy; No money to be found to build infrastructure; No money to be found for education, child care health care, but trillions of dollars are found for the fast pull games in Bush White House.
Build America, not bailout; Build infrastructure, not bailout; build renewable energy, not bailout; build new industries, not bailout; And take America to a new high, no fast pull and bailout.
A time to ponder....................
Dean Barber, President Barber Financial Group Must Take Responsibility Not Bailout
Well, Mr. Barber on one hand you want congress "to get out of the way," and on the other you want congress "let the financial sector know they are going to secure the system now." Do you hear yourself, and your contradiction? You are one of the beneficiary of the financial sector, so why not let the financial sector know that you and other like you beneficiaries are going to secure the system.
Mr. Barber, it's about high time for you, and the like minded financiers to take responsibility not the bailout.
The end of story.
Time to ponder........................
Henry Paulson Mania, It's Shameful
Mr. Paulson, let us get the facts straight. It is not embarrassing to the United States of America. It is embarrassing to Bush/Greenspan policies, and free marketeers.
It's about time to ask tax cut beneficiaries, hefty paid CEO, golden parachute beneficiaries and millions of dollars bonus seekers, and expansion of wealth beneficiaries to step up and pay for the bailout.
It is shameful of Bernanke, Paulson, and alike to ask the Americans whose money Wall Street mismanaged to bailout, and reward the mismanaged financial market.
Build America with whatever resources could be mustered, not to buy the junk securities and reward mismanagement of whoever it, he, or she may be.
A time to ponder.........................
Ask Those Who Benefited From Free Market Mania And Tax Cut For Bailout
What is he talking about? Is he looking for a bailout scape goat?
The economy already has been threatened, and is threatened by Bush/Greenspan free market mania. Now it is the former Goldman Sack CEO Paulson mania. Economy is threatened and destroyed by free market mania including junk securities, not because lack of bailout.
Ask for tax cut refund from the rich, and the corporations who failed to generate economy for which the tax cut was intended as an incentive.
Ask Bush/Cheney/Greenspan to step up, and take responsibility, and pay for failed policies.
Ask those who created junk security, and played with other peoples money step up and pay.
Ask those who enjoyed hefty millions of dollars in CEO salaries, golden parachutes, bonuses to come up with bailout.
Rebuild America with whatever resources country can muster rather than buy junk securities.
A time to ponder.....................
Monday, September 22, 2008
Toxic Dumbing Down On Rise
Education, research, and progressive industries are in decline while faith in free market looting is on the rise.
Under the coves of extremist faith, the free marketeers are enjoying the greatest sift in wealth with no surprise.
Universe is polluted with toxic chemicals of all kinds; Worse of all..... the toxic dumbing down is on the rise, giving opportune moments for free marketeers to rise.
Free marketeers are waiting to skim the tax payers until the next dumbing go round to stack up for the bigger rise.
A time to ponder....................
Build A Progressive Universe
Build America with education, research, and progressive industries; And save America from Bush/Greenspan rendering.
America is suffering from inflated ego and flattened resources for it's inhabitants catering.
America is controlled by media moguls, right wing surrogates, wall street, and political machinery sucking the ill informed electorates for Bush/Greenspan rendering.
Build an enlightened America with education not indoctrination for a progressive universe not for free marketeers doing.
A time to ponder.................
A Bush/Cheney/Greenspan Socialized America
Action to save the Greenspan free marketeers, that is; Where were these action tigers to take action to build America with action.
Where were these media and news editors seeking doing nothing is worse than seeking building America in action.
There were no dollars in sight until free marketeers in need for bail out which brought trillion dollar prompt action.
Profit for privatization, and losses for socialization to save and sift wealth is what is driving the action.
A time to ponder......................
Making Of Next Depression
The drama continues: Bush and free marketeers creation of crises, looting, and sifting of wealth in America; And the making of next depression.
A Trillion dollar blow out in Iraq; Another trillion on banking with little or no return is what is Bush and free marketeer Greenspan gift to America.
Ask what these two trillion dollar investments in nation's industries such as renewable energy, infrastructure, homeland industries, and education would have done to progress and employment in America.
Ask, ask, and ask before it is too late America.
A time to ponder.................
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Build The Main Street For A Prosperous Wall Street
Where has this willingness been for the main street? and call it that it is a good investment for the wall street.
The wealth continues to be sifted to wall street where super rich benefit the most at the cost of main street.
The wealth needs to be sifted to build infrastructure, new industrial base, education to benefit the main street to benefit the wall street.
Priorities needs a sift to prevent this melodrama to sift the wealth to wall street; Build the main street for a prosperous wall street.
A time to ponder...................
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Nation In A Bubble
Half of nation's electorates are in a bubble for race, gender, lipstick, and falling for talks that does no good but harm.
Media moguls keep the debate and talks to games, shows, and commercial to brain wash; Wealth is in the hands of few for whom the political system works like charm.
Profits are privatized, and losses are socialized for Wall Street Corporate Welfare kings and emperors of our time to loot, glut, and harm.
Shake out of the bubble, transform, and make the nation safe from fatal harm.
A time to ponder..........................
America's Ninety Five Percent Tax Payers Are Cooked
To this date fifty percent of ninety five percent are aware, and the rest are preoccupied with race, gender, lipstick, earmark, and bridge to nowhwere.
Some of the multiple blaze that cooked America:
Regan Trickle down economy.
Clinton Free Trade with no back up
restructure plan with the surplus.
Greenspan Free Market give away.
Bush/Cheney Tax cut for the rich and super rich.
Iraq war, big American Embassy, and base to nowhere.
Henry Paulson Mania & Bush trillion dollars for junk securities.
Country needs a plan to come out of this mess, not the repeat cooked plan.
The plan to include:
Creation of new industrial base to include renewable energy.
Investment in infrastructure, renewable energy, education, health care, and child care.
Tax restructure (proportionate burden sharing)
Above all.....
A politics of building America, not the politics of waging wars, lipstick, and bridge to nowhere
A time to ponder............................
Friday, September 19, 2008
Democracy On The Run
Game changer is what it is, a cosmetic shenanigan; Let the truth be known for change.
Democracy is on the run while the air is saturated with commercials claiming change.
Change to protect democracy, or the games of democracy to skim the gullible electorate in the name of change.
A time to ponder......................
Democracy For The People Is Hijacked
The power and control are the tools of ideologies; The politics of American democratic ideologies are based on commercials, pomp, and show of balloons and jeers.
The politicians are the brokers who accumulate power and control to exchange for the benefit of corporate needs in exchange for the trickle down alms for the bottom of totem peers.
The democracy for the people is hijacked by the corporate intelligent design, bulls, and steers.
A time to ponder................
Time is for the time to wonder the wonders of life that brings joy to life.
Time is not for the time to bring sadness, sorrow, and unhappiness in life.
Sadness and sorrow that come in life in time, as life experiences life,
are to be experienced and reconciled for life.
Time is to search the purpose in life, not for the the mission
predesigned the the purpose in life.
A time to ponder.........................
Who Are We?
Are we for Pope, Pundit, Rabbi, and Imam?
Are we for the preached, subjugated, and controlled life?
Life must be for freedom, not freedom for who subjugate, and control life.
Life must be for learning, not learning for the State to wage war and control life.
Life must be to study and unravel the mysteries of life, not for the dogma that controls life.
A time to ponder......................
Live And Not Be Buffoon In Life
Live to experience, love, and share life; Live not to be baffle and buffoon in life.
Live to change the way we are led to believe in falsehood of life, to live the way we believe in life.
Live not to live by the political mockery of hype; Live to think, learn, and evolve in life.
Live to experience, change, and evolve; Live not for the state that subjugate, and controls life
A time to ponder...................
Bridge To Nowhere
There is plenty of money for war and the the speculators; There is no money for alternate energy, education, and health care.
Policy makers are engaged to save the the valuation trickery, and Wall Street manipulators.
While political distractors and liers are haggling over the earmarks, grizzly research, and bridge to nowhere.
A time to ponder.....................
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How To Generate Paper Capital?
Transfer public wealth to Wall Street with the bidding of politicians to create a trickle down economy with all the ills and skills.
Then go on to do the business of creating capital, the paper capital with valuation trickery that is.
Start the capital game including the venture capital; Find assets with yields, and buy them with paper capital.
Speculate, and inflate the newly acquired assets with yield; And with new valuation create more paper capital.
Find new assets with yield, or simply create new companies and purchase the speculated and inflated assets with yield at a new speculated and inflated price (valuation) with newly created paper capital.
This is a work sample of new financial CEO in the age of master greed that goes way beyond that the words can tell.
Of course, this does not tell the manipulative and greed story of paper capital creators who hire the CEO to do their bidding that is.
A time to ponder.........................
Ms. Lynn Forester de Rothschild's Projection
Lynn Forester deRothschild says as quoted in CNNPolitics.com politicalticker September 17, 2008.
"This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him," she said of Obama in an interview with CNN's Joe Johns. "I feel he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him."
Ms. forester is married to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and is CEO of EL Rothschild.
Ms. de Rothschild's background demonstrate some of her acquired elitist roots. And Ms. de Rothchild's statement reflect her conflicted projection of herself.
And that sums it up.......
A time to ponder..........................
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Fiorina, The Hewett Packard Diana
Fiorina is in love with company loot game: being herself a sneak hyena.
Fiorina knows it all, the beneficiary big mouth Hewett Packard Diana.
She can run a company, says the inflated Hewett Packard Diana.
An inflated, presumptuous, company loot game player hyena, the
Hewett Packard's undeserving Diana.
A time to ponder.....................
John McCain Has A Plan: To Fool And Rule
John McCain is going to reform, and change Washington with Washington Commission game.
The Washington games he knows well, and has played well to keep everyone mesmerized, and fool.
The election is heating up; So, John McCain is spinning the Washington's well polished Commission tool, to fool and rule.
A time to ponder...................
Privatize Profit And Socialize Risk: Vote For Color, Ballon, And Fraud
Deregulate, and let the public be robed by the business marketeers of the world.
Keep public ignorant, and entertained by morning, noon, evening, and night media shows game plan.
Have the super Mickey mouse democracy game, and the commercials to appeal the kept ignorants to vote for color, balloon, and a democratic fraud plan.
A time to ponder.................
Live Forever
Live forever in a world that brings to life the joy; Live not in a world of xenophobic, war mongering moronic rust.
Live forever in a universe of love; Live not in a world that glorifies wars, and generates distrust.
Live forever in a universe of peace to create; to learn; to love; and to trust; Live not in a world of waring tempest that does nothing but promotes destruction and disgust.
A time to ponder....................
Life Is To Live, Not To Be Cajoled Into Believing How To Control
Life is to create, not to be revolt into killing machine to control.
Life is to share and love, not to be sacrificial lamb for those who control.
Life is to build a free world, not to be indoctrinated in ideology of control.
A time to ponder....................
Monday, September 15, 2008
Political Shenanigan
Thinking alone is not enough for the life to transform, and free itself from manipulative political shenanigan.
There are rewards, privileges, and power bestowed to those who consider sacrifice for a political manipulative shenanigan is the supreme calling of it's time.
It is the supreme calling sickness polished by color, hoopla, and balloon nourished into the deep psyche that believes in the virtue of dark matter of it's time.
Transform from the sick sacrifice supreme calling sickness; free yourself, and evolve to live free to think before being succumb by the virtue of dark matter of it's time.
A time to ponder.....................
A just universe free from ideologues pursuing the mission of power, control, and human curse.
The human greed insecure curse being exploited to wage wars to expand imperial race.
Race the other race, not the imperial race; Race to create the science of living...... to unravel the mystery behind human greed insecure curse.
Rejuvenate life to unite........... for the human cause: explore thyself, and the universe to seek knowledge to transcend the curse.
A time to ponder....................
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Be patriotic to a new high; Be patriotic to life, not an ideology and a piece of land that pollutes, controls, and subjugate life.
Zealously guard, and be patriotic to life and it's virtues; Be patriotic and expand, create, and build life on planet earth.
Be patriotic to explore the universe to rejuvenate life; Be patriotic to be free to love, think, learn, and evolve.
A time to ponder.....................
Sacrifice for beauty, serenity, and jest of life; Sacrifice not for power, control, and subjugation of life.
Sacrifice to build life; Sacrifice not to destroy life; Sacrifice to create, and be free; Sacrifice not for ideology that controls, and subjugate life.
A time to ponder....................
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Freedom And Freedom Drama
The freedom drama is for the media, the comedians, and the talk shows to keep masses entertained, and in checked survival grind.
Freedom from bomb, bomb, and bomb, and freedom from freedom drama is what is needed to spare from bind and the grind.
Freedom is yours; Not let the freedom be bestowed on you..... as bestowed freedom will keep you in bind and grind.
A time to ponder.................
The Particle, The Force, And The Dark Matter
Particles are the lies, the forces are the commercial, and the rest are the dark matter to be used to refine particles of lies, and the forces of commercial to let nothing spare.
The drama of moral, character, and the values are the refined particles of lies, forces of commercials, and the dark matters of our time.
A time to ponder.......................
Peace And War Evolving Measure of Evolution?
Is invocation of God's will a political ploy to justify human caused drudgery to seek power and control to promote subjugation?
Is it all peace and war dividend game to promote power, control, and subjugation?
Or the peace and the war are nature's evolving measures of evolution?
A time to ponder...................
The Courage And The Character Of A Warrior
The courage and the character of a warrior to be judged by warrior's self glorification, or warrior's reflections regarding the mistakes, and the drudgery of war.
The courage and the character of a warrior to be judged by warrior's indulgence in self suffering, or warrior's reflections on all the sufferings caused by war.
The election is not to elect a waring warrior; The election is to elect a leader in a trouble world.
The election is not to elect a waring warrior; The election is to elect a leader who can save the world from the drudgery of war.
A time to ponder......................
Friday, September 12, 2008
Commentary On Washington Post And Charles Krauthammer
Intellectually bankrupt, have nothing to offer but the sermon on the pillars of shameless Washington Post coasting on a dry hay.
Enough is enough for the shameless journalist Op Ed Washington Post made in name of a broken journalism clay.
A time to ponder........................
Nation's Varied Archetype
Some consider war as God's will; Some seek peace and freedom from waring type.
Some consider community work a laughing stock; Some do what they can to save from hype.
Politics of political war fare is full with nation's varied archetype.
A time to ponder................
A Prosperous America
Anyone polluting, and spreading ignorance is not for a prosperous America.
Culture of lie will not make America a prosperous America.
Anyone spreading lies is not for a prosperous America.
Generate renewable energy for clean, safe, secure, and a prosperous America.
Educate, not indoctrinate to build a prosperous America.
A time to ponder......................
McCain/Palin Doctrine
McCain/Palin doctrine is drill, drill, lie, lie, and more drill and lie; Spread ignorance with hoopla, color, and balloon.
That sums it up McCain/Palin change for a prosperous America.
A time to ponder...........................
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Send Young Men And Women To War, And The Rest To Hop And Shop
The human convoluted mind showed it's best of convolution by designing wars, tax cut, and shopping paradigm; Is there anything of value left in human moral cards? or the moral cards are to send Young to war, and the rest to hop and shop.
A time to ponder...............................
There Is Not Much Hope For A Free Journalism Any More
All the employers are corporate owned; journalists are embedded commodities for profit and talk shows, and nothing more.
William Safire and the like with medal of honor laughing all the way to Bank with roar.
The world order is for wealth creation for corporate order, and trickle down alms for the rest; Journalists are for morning, noon, evening, and night shows; This is what is the modern day royalty court, and more.
Live and work for modern day corporate royalty to preserve their dynasty, and be embedded to receive their alms; Not much has changed since glorious days of kings and queens except that it is easier for the modern day royals to collect money, and accumulate the wealth even more.
There is not much hope for a free journalism any more.
A time to Ponder......................
The Split
Currently, the planet is hijacked by power and control seeker war mongers waging wars on each other; The inequality and ignorance surrounds the planet's every corner; Theocracy of all kinds, and hypocrisy of all colors are on the rise; Wars are waged; Heroes are created for waging wars on unequals; Planet's resources are squandered for bombs, and more bombs; Is this what is called civilized civil culture? or groups of vultures under the disguise of civilized civil culture.
The planet has plenty of bounty to share with it's inhabitants; Inhabitants carnivorous desires though are anything but desire to share; The transient sharing illusions are created as nations, until they turn for the killing, the killing of each other. Is this what is called civilized civil culture? or groups of vultures under the disguise of civilized civil culture.
The carnivorous civil orders have created arts, science, and academies only to convert them for no other purpose but to seek power to control, subjugate, and spread the ideologies of power and control. Is this what is called civilized civil culture? or groups of vultures under the disguise of civilized civil culture.
A time to ponder.......................
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Rise Up To Transform America To A New Futuristic Height
The nation is in financial Greenspan black hole..... spinning in hopes to be saved by a unsustainable trickle down social order created by Nixonite, Reganite, Bushite, and Clintonite.
Move to a new energy, education, and economic order to make America a clean, secure and prosperous nation to set pace to a new healthy sight.
No gimmicky, divisive, diversion, and falsehood politics to cover up the Greenspan market song and dance, and fossil fuel energy swat game policy; Rise up to transform America to a new futuristic height.
A time to ponder........................
Save Planet From Theocracy And Hypocrisy Of Our Time
Divergenites are covering up their deeds in talks, and speech full with falsehood singing.
BushMcCainites are for the glory to save the legacies of Nixonite, Reganites, Busites, and Clintonites; Personal glory without futuristic scientific insight; There is no courage in advocating to win a war while destroying the constitution, personal liberty, and democracy.
Swat teams on rise, economy and education on decline; There is no thoughtful thought in sublime when thoughts are governed by theocracy archetype, and hypocrisy.
Rise up, and save the liberty, justice, and transform from theocracy archetype, and hypocrisy of our time.
A time to ponder.............
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Commentary Plus Beats MSNBC
Commentary Plus commentary on September 6, 2008 title "Fight With Me, Change Is Coming, says Father McCain And Mother Sarah" described the fallacy of Gov. Palin's statements regarding executive plane before MSNBC 's Brian William announced it on September 9, 2008 during MSNBC evening news.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Life To Live

Away from the insecurities of sanctimonious beings, and their destructive drive.
Distance life from sanctimonious surroundings,...... and live.
Sanctimonious surroundings destroy the jest of life, and retard all there is to live.
Rejuvenate to live, love, learn, and evolve; Shake out, free yourself, and live.....the life, that is waiting to live.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Life And Living
What could there be so poise, and significant than life itself that can supersede the living of being for any other purpose than for life itself; Every breath of life is what is worth living.
Live, and experience whatever comes your way: Joys and sorrows are life's multiple experience transforming life into being.
Shred from sanctimonious living, and grace life's learning, loving, and evolving for living.
A time to ponder.....................
Father McCain's Extremist Choice And Mother Sarah's Double Talk
A choice of extremist soul mate (Father McCain's words) has brought to surface Father McCain's extremist archetype from Vietnam war.
An archetype which has aspired Father McCain in international context by supporting all kinds of war fares such as Contras, preemptive war in Iraq, and surge to build walls, and compounding the lives of millions displaced, and killed, and by arming waring factions for possible bloody civil war.
The people are suffering,and these are tough times, says Father McCain with crafted believable face; So, Father McCain says let's make the Bush tax cut permanent, and fill the poor and middle class with trickle down slot.
Mother Sarah likes Pork-barrel, keeps the Pork-barrel rewards, and asks for Pork-barrel; Then again, now she says she does not like Pork-barrel; Mother Sarah, tell us mortals with your Divine grace which one of you to believe, and which one of you is just a talk.
Mother Sarah believes in freedom of making free choices for herself; In her Divine grace, she freely chooses whatever she desires for herself, and for her family.....but there is no freedom of choices for other mortals as they struggle to live and survive from Father McCain and Mother Sarah's duplicity talk.
A time to ponder.........................
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Fight With Me, Change Is Coming, Says Father McCain And Mother Sarah
Miracle # 1.
Change is coming to porkers (year marks or some times spelled as earmarks), grizzlies, and Keating fives at Father McCain's crafted golden masterpiece diversion citadel.
Miracle # 2.
Fight with me, fight with me, fight with me, says Father McCain and Mother Sarah to save money from porkers (don't tell this is a small potato used as a diversion to safeguard the big ones; don't tell the so called pork funding does not increase the spending, it sifts the funding); to save money from grizzlies (don't tell this is another small potato and good research costing 3 million or so. This money saving trickery is used as a diversion to safeguard the biggies such as the corporate welfare and Tax cut); and to save money by selling executive air crafts'(would that include Air Force One? Another diversion masterpiece) at e-bay (don't tell that Mother Sarah's plane did not sell on e-bay on profit, and that it was sold at loss somewhere else).
The money saved from all these diversions, says Father McCain and Mother Sarah, will solve the financial, employment, health, education, energy, tax, and war problems of nation.
Miracle # 3
Father McCain and Mother Sarah have not yet spoken as to how all this will make us physically responsible, protect us from losing personal liberty, and restore our credibility in the world.
Change is coming, change is coming, change is coming,...... fight with me, fight with me, fight with me, says Father McCain from his crafted golden masterpiece diversion citadel, and Mother Sarah from her small town Chapel.
Tune in to the Divine words of Father McCain and Mother Sarah to absolve the sins of last eight years.
Miracle # 4
A time to ponder....................
Friday, September 5, 2008
Life And Ideology
The living by ideologies created by human mind, or by claimed Divine.
The ideologies are what they are: the products of evolving human mind created by the needs, wants, and desires of a time.
Some have used the ideology to seek power to control, and subjugate; some have used power to control and subjugate for the claimed Divine.
The life is being lived by the ideologies, and for those who control the ideologies of a time.
A time to ponder......................
Ideas, Ideals, And Values
Commentary Plus presents some of the following possible options to consider:
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote fear or hope.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote diversion or face the issues.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote cover up for the eight years of failure or face up to it.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote wider gaps between have knots and haves or lower the gap.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote the Military industrial complex
feared by President Eisenhower or keep it under control.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote alternate renewable energy or
continue the fossil fuel dependency.
Ideas,ideal, and values to promote Public Education or water down public education.
Ideas, ideal, and values to promote Privatisation of public property
such as roads, parks, and social security or keep them safe from private marketeers.
Finally, Ideas, ideal, and values to promote America to lead or bleed.
A time to ponder.......................
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Night Of Election Nada Dance In St. Paul, Minnesota
Indeed, a master performance of shameless wonders demonstrated with pomp and show wrapped up in the art of trickery was at it's best.
Convoluted human mind's ideological creation was on display; It was a feisty scrupulous dance of a group full with lies and hate and short on solving nation's challenges ahead; Least we can hope that a day of atonement will come when the election day comes to rest.
A time to ponder........................
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Test Of Time
Test of time to see if America is insightful, as it has been, to see thorough the diversions, or has become the heaven of ignorance destined to lose.
Test of time to see what the election barometer will bring at the surface: The thoughts, feelings, fears, strengths, and the weakness of archetypes submerged in American Psyche to choose.
Test of time to see whether America is evolving towards a theocracy, hypocrisy, Micky mouse buffoonery, or a democracy with economic, intellectual, and moral might to be cool.
A time to ponder...........................
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Turning Point
Prevailing social orders are created by hum drum ideologies of control, power, and subjugation; Hum drum ideologies are supported by manipulative political state orders; State orders filled with religion and religiosity facilitating the control, power, and subjugation leading to the demise of life's delight, and the pleasures of living.
In a hum drum social order, even the concept of spirituality is not free from control; It is the control of divine, or the control of some mind furthering the cause of power, control, and subjugation.
Has self been ever evolved?; or Has an evolved self been hijacked by the insecure minds, and the ideologies of power, control, and subjugation?
A time to ponder...........................
Living In A Prosperous New World Order?
The conscious dreams of living, loving, learning, and evolving are mutilated, spindled, and convoluted by the transformation of the universe by human insecurities into hum drums of ideologies, war fares, control, subjugation, and scrupulous small numbers of individual prosperity in a 'prosperous new world order'.
A world order with collective security for a Small numbers of individual prosperity is in reality what is meant by individual prosperity in a 'prosperous new world order'.
The collective security for common cause, and collective prosperity have become a pipe dream by the so called individual prosperity; A small numbers of individuals garnished with prosperity controlling the power and wealth; The rest providing the mind, service, and security for their individual prosperity in hopes for trickle alms; And this is called a 'prosperous new world order'.
Sleep and get renewed for the 'prosperous new world order'.
A time to ponder.......................
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Real Power Players
The election games are on; And are played with one goal, the only goal, and surrounding all the goals, to capitulate the power for the purpose of control.
One candidate does not know the number of houses he owns; the other has build a power house, and a power base spring board to leap into the power and control game.
The real power players including the wall street, the media, and the military industrial complex are enjoying the bounty earned from the control games some rendered, and some to be rendered as the power game political players trade in the power control chips for the benefit of the real players.
A time to ponder.....................
Life's Delight Turn Into Hypes
Where are the delights of life's pleasures of pleasing wind, the souring mountain, roaring ocean, the flawks of birds, and the loving companions? Is it all mirage of imagination at the begining, and the end of nothingness?
The artificial music sound on radio has no life in comparison with the nature's sounds of music, yet we are sold more of tapes, discs, and hi fi's than the sounds of unmitigated roars..... and silence of the planet earth.
Life's delights... turn into hypes of hum drum controlling socio, political, economic commercial master minds.
Turn towards the delights of life, and away from commercial master minds before human delights are controlled and lost forever.
A time to ponder...........................