Friday, May 30, 2008

Simplified Version of Preventable Post Traumatic-Stress Disorder And Traumatic Brain Injury

There are at least two preventable traumas: Post traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Both PTSD and TBI are academically, socially, politically, economically, psychologically, and medically complex. There are voluminous writings. The following effort is to provide a simplified version. A simplified version.....there must be some trick to it. There is a physical evolution. There is a social evolution. There are psychological idiosyncrasies. There are political dramas. How could there be a simple version?.........

Briefly, human life as is known is a product of many things including psycho-social, economic, political, and physical evolutionary mass. Homo-sapient as a psycho-social, biochemical, anatomical, and physiological beings act and react in an evolutionary mass consistent with their inherited and acquired psycho-social, biochemical, anatomical, and physiological mass. The mass, however changes due to post traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). A change in mass brings profound change in life. A profound change...... so how could there be a simple version?.........

There are few physical and social evolutionary conclusions can be drawn based on the changes caused by these traumas. Alright. Some of the following conclusions are not difficult as they are rationally deduced and have been empirically substantiated. Sounds reasonable. However, there are some of the following conclusions indeed profound given the complexity of psycho-socio-political-economic variability. So it is not getting any simpler, isn't?. First, as a consequence of change in mass whether it is PTSD or TBI, the life itself changes. There is nothing profound about the conclusion that life changes because it does. The fact that life changes post PTSD and TBI has been socially and politically accepted, and that in of itself could be considered a profound social evolutionary change. Point made. Second, severity of these trauma will determine the level and degree of psychological, social, economic, and medical affects of these trauma on a person. Again, there is nothing profound about this conclusion either. However, this conclusion also is now socially and politically accepted is no small social evolution achievement, isn't?. Third, regardless of severity and affects thereof, both traumas (PTSD and TBI) induce psychological, biochemical, and brain morphological changes to last a life time. Hard to believe. The third conclusion that these traumas cause changes to last a life time though scientifically and rationally a possibility nevertheless is socially, politically, and economically controversial. Of course, whenever it happens.... the acceptance of the third conclusion that the changes caused by these traumas last a life time would be another profound social, political, and economic evolutionary advancement. There is a physical evolution that provides growth and development in physical mass, and PTSD and TBI alters the physical mass. There is a socio-political-economic evolution that establishes the growth and developental level of acceptance post PTSD and TBI. Both, physical and social evolution are far from complete. Now this must be the simple version!

In addition to establishing some basic premise as stated above to explain PTSD and TBI adverse affects on physical mass and life changing consequences, and profound changes in social, political, and economic acceptance, an effort has been made as follows to briefly explain the available options for cure, remedy, and treatment for PTSD and TBI. So far....where is the simple version?
Unfortunately, at this time there are no post trauma cures for PTSD and TBI. That's simple enough. There are limited available remedies and treatments. This must be the simple version? The remedies are rationally simple as both PTSD and TBI are preventable --- just avoid PTSD and TBI conditions ---yet difficult to practice in a irrational world of wars, ignorance, greed, economic and psychological insecurities, and varied life styles homo-sapient have chosen for themselves. Still waiting for the simple version.... Homo-sapient at this stage of their evolutionary growth and development have tremendous capacity to compound the problem of remedy with their psycho-social-political-economic justification and rationalization capacity. Now that's profoundly simple. In reality, homo-sapient have used their justification and rationalized capacity to create ethical, moral, and psychological rationalized relief from irrational behavior to justify their socio-political-economic life style making the remedy even more difficult. That's creativity in reverse, isn't?

At this stage of evolution since there are no cures, and remedies are difficult to practice, the treatment option is the only viable option for PTSD and TBI. The options are as follows:.


Medical follow-up and various medications including antidepressants medications are recommended to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders.

Psychotherapy such as cognitive, cognitive behavior, and exposure therapies are recommended to address psycho-social issues and reduce PTSD symptoms.


Once the condition is medically stable the following treatments to follow:

Medical follow-ups' to monitor conditions such as infection and adjustment in medication as needed; individually tailored physical, occupational, speech and language therapies; psychiatry, psychology, neurocognitive, and social work services as needed.

In general, the goals of PTSD and TBI treatments are identical: to reduce the probabilities of adverse affects and increase the probabilities of normalcy as conceived.

The lasting challenge:

How to achieve the cure and remedy? Are cures and remedies socially, politically, and economically achievable? Or it is all in physical and social evolution of which time has yet to come!!!! Still waiting for the simple version.....

A time to ponder..................................

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