Monday, May 12, 2008


Xenophobia (irrational fear or hatred of others (foreigners) and religiosity baggage are dreadful diseases promulgated by our psycho-social and biological insecurities, and from time to time spread by individuals and groups to achieve their political, religious, and economic agendas to name a few.

During election year xenophobia and religiosity become tools to distract electorate from key issues such as education, tax, health, alternate energy and industry, and a robust inclusive foreign policy which promotes human rights and protects the planet earth from pollution. It is important that the candidates reveal themselves and explain their views. The candidates do some explaining during primaries and general election. The challenge lies with the electorate to sort out what is being said and meant. Equally it is important that the electorate do their self examining and explain themselves with personal self analysis or better with some professional help their xenophobia and religiosity baggage that they themselves may harbor. Should electorate fail to understand their affinity with xenophobia and religiosity then as a consequence most likely they will surround themselves with those who will use xenophobia and any other irrational fear and religiosity to achieve their political goals which may not be in electorate's self interest.

So....what's it going to be folks .... Are we going to be controlled and used by xenophobia mongers? Or are we going to understand the nature and the debilitating conditions of xenophobia and religiosity baggage and save our democracy (by the people, for the people..) from xenophobia mongers?.

A time to ponder.................

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