Thursday, May 8, 2008

Electoral Mysteries And Our Great Leaders And Great Leader

If I become president, we're going to have emergency-room care, we're going to have gag orders.

___George W. Bush
St. Louis, Mo 10/18/2000
during the third presidential debate

If you don't stand for anything. you don't stand for anything! If you don't stand for something. you don't stand for anything!*

___George Bush
Bellevue, WA 11/02/2000
Said to a packed rally at Bellevue

I wasn't happy when we found out there wasn't weapons (WMD in Iraq).*

__George Bush
St. Louis. MO 10/8/2004
in the second presidential debate

And the electorate rewarded Mr. Bush with the nation's highest office in 2000 and 2004, and made him the leader of the free world.

Of course, President Bush had a so-called broader base of coalition, not to mention the Supreme Court, including the "White Americans", the "White Americans" senator Clinton was talking about on 05/08/08. She said "I have much broader base to build a winning coalition on" in reference to Senator Obama from whom she says the "White Americans" are increasingly turning away.

Does this the so-called broad coalition of senator Clinton include former president Bill Clinton's "... economically insecure white people" as he called them, and Senator Clinton's "Screw'em" southern working class whites as she called them?.

Has senator Barack Obama ever insulted any white people, or for that matter anyone else?

Time to ponder...............................

*Quotes taken from The Chimp-O-Matic

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