Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rules of Laws.....

Rules of laws are as good or bad as their premise. For example in energy sector, there are laws subsidizing, glorifying, and rewarding executives and corporations with high executive pay and huge profits under the disguise the so called free market and under the protection of rules of laws. If there is free market, and profits are huge then why subsidy. Unfortunately, it seems the country has accepted this rule of law. The senate hearings are at best cathartic. In reality, it sensitizes and emboldens corporations and the executives to do more what they have been doing to reap high pay and huge profit.

It has been said before that alternate renewable energy is one of the answer. How do we get there?

It's time to enact renewable energy laws, and take away the subsidy from corporations failing to provide huge return on the subsidy given to them from public funds consistent with the kind of huge profit energy corporations and it's executives expect for themselves. Any question.......

Time to ponder.................

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