Thursday, May 15, 2008

Socio-political Perceptions, Projections, And Prejudices

It's election year. It has been a long election year that really started last year. Well, no it really started a year before with congressional election. Just think of it, it had not stopped since the last presidential election.....or for that matter since supreme court appointed our president.

During a continuous spinning election cycle electoral socio-political perceptions become muddled with their self projections combined with their insecurities with which comes the fear that justifies everything to bearers of prejudicial human brain ----evolved or created does not matter--- including xenophobia along with technicolor dose of other varied prejudices such as race and gender just to name a few. It's a justified, in psychological terms a rationalized, and ending in political warfare arena.

In a broader spectrum the national and international political war fares of all kind turn into a competitive drama among competitors (friends and foes alike) to justify whose prejudices are superior. In the name of their socio-political justified prejudices humans continue to subjugate whomever they could, and collectively wage wars against each other...............And then we hear ethical, moral, and religious sermons of all kinds to justify our ill doing, aren't we smart?

A time to ponder......................

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