Saturday, May 24, 2008

Immigrants, Family Values, Hypocricy, And A Solution............

In an article titled "270 Illegal Immigrants Sent to Prison in Federal Push" published in N.Y. Times, May 24, 2008 Julia Preston wrote about arrests, trial, and mass jail sentencing in Iowa. The article pointed to defense lawyers plea regarding family value, and the judge who was moved by the defense pleading.

The federal judge Mark W. Bennett said: "I don't doubt for a moment that you are good, hard-working people who have done what you did to help your families. Unfortunate for you, you have committed a violation of federal law."

Briefly, the rationale of being good hard-working and the family values is not a good defense in comparison to the rationale of federal law. In a rule of law proceeding, law prevails. The end to be good hard-working to help the family does not justify the means should the means be in conflict with the law. The law is based on a rationale, and the rationale has social and political justification.

The issue here is that there is a push for the enforcement of the law while there is no push for the good hard-working family values by the electorates those who voted for the family values in 2000 and 2004 general election. Where is the outrage? Where is the outrage for human values?Where is the family value conscious of those who politicized family values? At a more practical level, where is the outrage and passion for elimination of poverty, the root cause? The immigrants were here not because they were criminals, on the contrary they were good, hard-working, and wanted to help their families.

So.... what is the solution? More than ever, in a current globalized world there is a need to build economically productive self sustaining mass education system. There are resources and technology to achieve economically productive self-sustaining mass education. What is needed is the leadership and the will of the nation, the leader of the free world.

A time to ponder.......................

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