Monday, May 5, 2008

The Politics of Making And Losing Money

Pastor Wright is living in the past and is divisive, and he is making money. Mrs. Clinton threatens to obliterate Iran and makes up bullet stories and is divisive, and she is making money. Senator McCain's pastor Rod Parsley showing his dark side of America and is divisive, and he is making money. American media is doing well with their political games and commercials is divisive, and guess what media is making money too. Of course, the media owners are laughing on their way to bank along with the rest of the money maker politicians and pastors.

Americans who have lost their jobs or have better than chance to lose their occupations to past and present imbalanced globalization and economic policies; who have greater than chance to lose their homes to foreclosures due to Greenspan and Bush policies; who are paying and will pay more their take home pay to food and gasoline, are the ones, it seems, holding to their past perceptions and politics that precipitated their predicament, and once again the same group might vote against their self interest as they have done so in 2000 and 2004. It is no wonder that they have lost money in the past, and once again have better than chance to lose money once more.

Power groups, rich, and smart players of politics make money, and the losers are the poor and the ignoramus.

Time to ponder.......................

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