Thursday, April 24, 2008

Swiftboat America or a Transformed Leader of the Free World

The types and the forms of elections reflect whether country is evolving for good, bad, or ugly. The election results reflect the quality of electoral state of mind good, bad, or ugly. Democracy is as good, bad, or ugly as its electoral mass. A well informed educated electoral is essential to preserve the high value democratic concepts such as freedom of speech, freedom of press, separation of state and religion, equality, civil rights, human right.

Whether in 2008 American political leaders and electoral will transform themselves from the politics of cultivating ignorance, swiftboating, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia remains to be seen.

Is America ready to accept the challenge to rid itself from the politics of cultivating ignorance, swiftboating, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia?

Is America ready to transform itself and reassert it's moral leadership across the globe?

A time to ponder.............................

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