Monday, April 14, 2008

Angry and Bitter

A nation which has created lots of wealth for few also has inhabitants who have seen down sizing in their standard of living including the loss of jobs, pension, and health care. Our great nation also has political leaders such as Senator McCain and Senator Clinton whose policies helped in down sizing the standard of living including the loss of jobs, pension, and health care. However, they think it differently as their wealth has not seen any down sizing. Now either Senator McCain and Senator Clinton are in denial or have lost their intellect to figure out that the disappointment, anger, and bitterness is real. Or....they are trying with their political artistry.... rather to be said with their political trickery to send a segment of population in denial. Or...worse of all they are hoping to divert the justified frustration, anger, and bitterness from themselves where it belong to others so they can win, politics as usual, no change. Of course, politicians will stop using some of these methods once voters begin to respond otherwise, and begin to defend their economic well being.

Time to ponder....................

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