Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nation Needs a Balanced Economic Policy

Elections do indeed provoke thoughts and deep rooted feelings towards each other, towards self, and towards candidates of differing parties. American voters are indeed expressing their thoughts and feelings in greater number. American democracy has been evolving since it's inception. The present day democracy is little better with a touch of tendencies to slip back from time to time. A tendency to slip back and move forward with all our human fragility seems to be the nature of evolutionary human democracies. The last two presidential elections provided glimmers of how elections are won or lost. Elections were by and large won or lost based on who was able to sway voters based on topics that had nothing to do with their self interest or economic well being of great number of Americans. What happened during the last two presidential elections is nothing new than what has been happening for quiet some time. Political leaders, the nation's policy makers, have failed great number of Americans as they did not provide a balanced leadership in channelling American labor energy into emerging new 21st century industrial base including new technology and energy while signing off on concepts such as free trade agreements.

The issue in current election aught not to be as much for or against free trade as it aught to be the development of a balanced national policies which must not leave it's labor force behind and diminish it's quality of life. The issue is the lack of balanced policy that has left an important segment of American population behind. The issue aught not to be the cost effective by cutting the quality of life of American labor force. The issue aught to be the cost effective by improving the quality of life of America labor force by building a new 21st century industrial base based on new 21st century quality K-higher education and research. Productive and progressive business is not based on types of cost cutting that destroys the quality of life. It is based on improving the quality and productivity based on improved quality of life. This is what aught to be the American way. This is what aught to be the value to be valued. This is what aught to be the model for the world. The underlying sad principle behind cheap labor lies the roots of poverty and diminished human value.

Both Bush and Clinton dynasties have failed a great number of American. Mr. McCain is trying to bring back the next Bush term by trying to win based on war, and tax cut for few. Neither war nor tax cut for few will bring prosperity for America or for a large number of Americans. Mr. Obama with all his faults is the best choice for America. Is America ready for this new change?

Time to ponder.............

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