Thursday, April 17, 2008

Glimmers of Old and New Politics

Maureen Dowd a New York Times Op-ED columnist in her April 16, 2008 Op-Ed "Egghead and Cheese Balls" used the word Egghead more frequently in one colum than George Wallace ever used in any single Presidential election speech. Maureen you have won George Wallace Egghead award.

It is good to reminisce the good old soap operas of Clinton era, and some great statements of our great former progressive president Clinton such as "All these economically insecure white people..." or "I did not have sex with that woman.." or statements by our esteemed former first lady "screw 'em" pointing to southern working class whites, and other statements including some thing about baking cookies or some thing to that affect, puts things in perspective doesn't?

In general, small town Pennsylvanian and many others across the country have not done well during this boom period, and have lost jobs, pension, and health care due to lack of balanced economic policies promulgated by politicians such as Clinton and McCain. Small town Pennsylvanians have suffered and are suffering economic pain. Barack did not say "screw 'em", did he?

Time to ponder.........................

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