Friday, April 18, 2008

Principles Worth Valuing Yet Difficult to Practice

There is a mortal danger to life of freedom and it's expression once distracted from being valued by leaders and journalists alike who are injecting the symbolic issues such as flag in national debate. However, although they are misguided they have right to do so, should they choose. In paradoxical irony exists the existence of freedom and freedom of expression, even.. when badly used by the so-called journalist.

An enlightened electoral is needed to differentiate what is of value and what is the product. Products can be created and recreated freely only until the freedom exists. We must continuously remind ourselves that the value is in the principle of freedom and it's expression rather than symbol. It is the freedom and it's expression that our glorious and beautiful flag symbol represents. By each passing day as society limits freedom and it's expression... it is limiting the glory and the beauty of flag.

A time to ponder.................

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