Monday, April 7, 2008

Wealth Making?

The current globalization game has accelerated the wealth making financial manipulation game. The game is on. Let us take a look as to how this game has been played, in sequence that is.

First game plan, Mr. Greenspan gave a green signal for marketeers to move with their game in an unregulated supply side financial market. And so they did. In order to create wealth in an unregulated supply side of the economic market, the financial markets were and still are being manipulated and adjusted by creating paper wealth in tune of multiple times and in so many forms of "creative"financial instruments that even the "smartest" financial manipulators are now having difficulty in their ways to keep up with the next "smarter" financial manipulator. The run on Bear and Stern and the inability of Bear and Stern to protect itself from the bank run is just an example.

Second game plan was created by shifting hard earn sustainable wealth such as 401K and pension plans into market place, and by mixing it with unsustainable paper wealth under the disguise of economic fancy words such as "investment" when in fact the sustainable wealth was and still is used to sustain unsustainable paper wealth of some who did not create any sustainable GNP in the first place.

Third game is being played out by using false excuse of demand and supply to increase the gas and oil price in access of 200% +.

Fourth game is being played by creating friendly state politics and ideology to print currency to sustain unsustainable paper wealth.

A healthy game for some, and gloom and doom for the rest.

A time to ponder...............

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