Monday, April 14, 2008

New York Times Has Been Worried?

This morning (April 14, 2008) in New York Times an unnamed editor of an editorial titled "How to Judge a Would-Be Justice" stated that... "And we have worried, especially in recent years, that nominees are far too carefully packaged and couched on how to duck all the hard questions."
It is amazing that the unnamed author of the editorial, as it is perhaps written by a group of New York Times cartel editors who seems to like themselves to be unnamed as much as possible or may be forever...if possible, has expressed it's worriness.... so to speak, or should it be said that the editorial expresses their worries since it is written by the so called unnamed multiples. Their worries have been expressed in past tense "..have worried" as stated above to signify as if they have been worried for some time, and indeed they are such a good care taker of significant worries for us mortal. In any event, their worries now can be expressed in good conscious though they have been worried for some time because they have an empirical research "An Empirical Analysis of the Confirmation Hearing of Justices of the Rehnquist Natural Court"---published in Constitutional Commentary. Of course as if, New York Times never publishes or has ever published anything unless it is research based. Some of it's research is it's own home grown when it suits their packaged couched intent. It is interesting that New York Times is worried about "carefully packaged and couched" things when New York Times itself is well packaged and couched.

Time to ponder............

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