Saturday, April 19, 2008

April 19, 2008 The Pulse of The New York Times Op-Ed

Collins and Herbert in their respective Op-Ed's reflected the state of politics in their respective ways. Both seems a little down. Collin has written about Bush and how he is handling or not handling at all the global warming. According to collins Bush gave his the so-called report in Rose Garden in which he said "the wrong way is to raise taxes, duplicate mandates or demand sudden (should have said precipitous....rather than sudden) and drastic emission cuts." Well, what do you expect from a good beer drinking easy going Crawford guy who has been charged by the supreme court's questionable jurisprudence pronouncement to do the so-called democratic presidential things which to Bush means saving the corporate interest at the cost of whatever including global warming. So... president Bush is doing a heck of a job.

Herbert is down, and being down on Obama, Clinton, and democratic party. Herbert thinks Obama should have played some political games rather stir things up. He did not use these words but meant the same. This is election time. A time for catharsis, so let it out Herbert. Bottom line, the elections and election results demonstrate the pulse of its populous thinking and feeling at a given time and place. So don't get disheartened as of yet, wait and reflect on election results.

A time to ponder............

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