Monday, April 21, 2008

And...That's It....

The concepts of preserving life and waging wars to preserve life, ironically paradoxical contradiction, are the socio-cultural rationalized concepts to justify power, control, and killing. The genesis of the evolution of these concepts lies in the evolution of psychological and biological evolving evolution. The concepts of preserving life and waging wars to preserve life both have common genesis in the concepts of fear of unknown. The concepts of fear of unknown have their genesis in the concept of intellect (human or otherwise). The concepts of fear are intellect generated, and socio-culturally capitalized and controlled. And so are the evolving varied forms of socio-cultural concepts of preserving life and waging wars to preserve life. To capitalize the concepts of fear, the concepts of power and control evolved in order to sell the so-called relief from fear. The morals, not the ethics, of preserving life and the morals of waging wars not the ethics to preserve life gave rise to good business for power and control seekers. Rest is history of bits and pieces of precepts, civilizations, cultures, wars, and products created, consumed, and destroyed.

The explanatory rationales for all precepts, forms of civilizations (good, bad or indifference including the mickey mouse Disney world), cultures, wars, and the products created, and destroyed are products of limited yet evolving intellect. The limited intellect generates paucity, and continuous evolution generates sprinkles of imagination to spice up the paucity a little. And...that's of now....

A time to ponder.....................

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