Thursday, May 15, 2008

Naivete And Inexperience And Reckless And Lack of Judgment of John McCain

Senator McCain has been on this planet for the last 71 years. He has been on Foreign Relations Committee for a long time, yet he does not know the difference between Shia and Sunni. He does not know whether Shia or Sunni are being trained by Iran. He made reckless judgment in error in voting for Iraq war at the time when Senators like Bob Graham and like minded senators raised serious questions. Senator Barack Obama's judgment turn out to be superior in comparison with senator McCain's naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack of judgment.

To make conditions worse, senator McCain surrounds himself with lobbyist who support dictators and military junta rulers like in Myanmar, and in his naivete Mr. McCain believes if he does that... that helps building America's image around the world as an advocate of democracy and human rights. These are just few yet critical samples of senator McCain's naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack of judgement.

There are individuals who make mistakes and learn, and then there are those who exemplify their incompetence due to chronic naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack judgement. Any questions regarding Senator McCain's naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack judgment.

Time to ponder........................

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