Friday, May 23, 2008

Are We Voting For A Civilian Or A Military Government?

McCain blasts Obama for never having served in military--A USA News Top Stories (05/23/08).

It is interesting that during every election military service becomes a talking point for some. Now it has become a talking point for Mr. McCain. Instead of responding to a simple question as to why is he posturing against a House bill favoring veterans with three years of service, Mr. McCain has chosen to invoke military service talking point. A typical distraction and diversion political game: when caught pants down engage in distraction and diversion.

Politicize support the troops, flag pin, and patriotism but when it comes to really supporting the troops, really supporting the principles that flag exemplifies, and really supporting to build country's infrastructure and a 21st century industrial base and improving health and education which could help displaced blue color labor force and the veterans, Mr. McCain has chosen to do what politicians have been done before..... distract and divert attention from the key point.

Mr. McCain's service must be honored, however Mr. McCain must demonstrate honor for the civilian rule and act more in favor of rather than posturing against what is in the best economic, social, and educational interest of veterans.

Most importantly, Mr. McCain and the like minded must answer a simple question: Are we having an election for a civilian (for the people, by the people....) or for a military (for the military, by the military....) government? It would be nice to hear a favourable response or just a response from Mr. McCain and the like minded politicians and electorate. However, it would be naive to expect one. The best we could hope that Mr. McCain and the like minded would do some soul searching and self analysis for their own peace of mind and mental health, and for the good of a civilian government in the country.

A time to ponder.....................

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