Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Movement New Politics

There is a new movement to make a great nation even better. Senator Clinton has a choice whether she wants to go in history as a spoiler of 2008 or as an insightful and a graceful leader-- which she has been and could be-- who joined and gave the new movement an added energy that united and transformed a great nation into a new greatness. Senator Clinton is not a quitter, nor were the great leaders such as John Edwards, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich as they left the primaries. There is a wisdom in transforming and moving forward as demonstrated by Edwards, Dodd, Richardson, Biden, and Kucinich.

It's time for a new generation and a new progressive politics to move beyond the politics of the past including the do gooder politics to which Bill and Hillary have been a part. Do gooder politics with all it's faults had brought many positive developments. Nevertheless, it was what it was, a do gooder phenomenon. Whatever the faults of the do gooder politics were can be relinquished as the new progressive era begins. It's time for all experienced leaders to follow leaders like Dodd and Richardson who have joined the new movement. In doing so they will pass on the power and good energy of the past progressive politics to a new generation of inclusive energetic evolving progressive politics.

A time to ponder......................

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