Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev(Russian Cowboy) Led Nation to Bankruptcy

The real story is that Kennedy policies including talking to enemies led to American image triumph in the world, and Khrushchev's reckless behaviors like shoe pounding at UN, wall building in Germany, and missile adventures in Cuba provided no image triumph in the world, and led his nation to bankruptcy and the end of USSR followed.

There is a lesson embedded in history, and in recent seven years of experience in our own country, that it is not the talk that should be considered a dreadful inexperience foreign policy rather it is the reckless inexperience behavior like that of Mr. Khrushchev(Russian cowboy) should be considered a dreadful foreign policy.

New York Times OP-Ed, Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed, May 22, 2008 by Nathan Thrall & Jesse James Wilkins presents a view point that lacks deeper understanding of dynamics of human psyche in international context. Khrushchev's the so called lecture to Kennedy demonstrated Khrushchev's inexperience and sense of fear not his experience and sense of strength. Kennedy's ability to listen and self evaluation demonstrated his experience and sense of strength. During a talk all is not going to come out in one's favour. A party may hear some truth that hurts which Thrall and Wilkins Op-Ed considered as pounding. The young insightful Kennedy, however balanced it with deeds such as peace corp and improved the American image while Khrushchev(Russian cowboy) balanced it with his reckless behavior and set the pace of his own country's socioeconomic and image destruction.

Thrall and Wilkins's perception that Khrushchev triumphed demonstrate Thrall and Wilkins's inexperience and sense of fear. No more implicit or explicit, intended or unintended fear mongering.

The president of the United States must have at his or her disposal all options including the talk options with or without conditions. Most importantly, American president must be intelligent, insightful, a good listener, and have better understanding of dynamics of human psyche in international context.

Commentaryplus recommends that New York Times consider an editorial titled:

Kennedy Talked And Triumphed, Khrushchev's Reckless Behavior Led a Nation to Bankruptcy

A time to ponder............................

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