Sunday, June 1, 2008

Leverage Out of Mechanical Definition of Leverage

Leverage (-ij) n. 1,the action of a lever; the mechanical advantage it provides. 2,force; coercion. 3, speculation using borrowed funds. -v.i. to speculate using borrowed funds.

--The New American Handy College Webster Dictionary
Third Edition.

In every possible literal sense Bush administration and his neo-cons' used the literal mechanical definition of leverage to create leverage; and in the process they destroyed American leverage and credibility. The worse of all Bush administration destroyed one of the most important leverage: American image and respect around the globe. Unfortunately, recent news editorials such as NYT Op-Ed and Washington Post and some blog writings as well reflect the underpinnings of a failed leverage premise: force; coercion; power; control; all based on bankrupt intellectual unilateral neo-conic hope, speculation, hypocrisy and arrogance rather than based on strong multilevel judicious judgement in cooperation and alliance with new and old allies.

There is a need to promulgate new policies based on a new premise and definition of leverage. A definition that is less mechanical more adaptive and flexible. A definition that is based on a strong at home alternate industry and energy policy rather based on borrowed money, and speculative financial policy. A definition based on mutual respect to regain the admiration and respect of America's allies rather than based on unilateral preemptive autocratic neo-conic arrogance, hypocrisy, and misguided use of American force. A definition that is based on strong education and health policies at home and abroad. A definition that builds and promotes credible human rights policies at home and abroad. A leverage worthy of 21st century global awakening, and a leverage we could be proud.

Let us hope for a new dawn, a new direction, and a new credible leverage.............

A time to reflect and ponder..........................

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