Friday, June 6, 2008

Significance of Election Outcomes

Election outcomes are the barometers of a nation's socio-political, and economic pulse, among various other quivering undercurrent pulsating socio-political phenomenon of it's time. Election results reflect a nation's feelings, attitude, fears, hopes, likes and dislikes. Election outcomes reflect electorates cognitive as well as affective choice making scenarios. The results of elections reflect electorates' psychological states such as their projections and their self-induced identification mechanism; projections and identification mechanism can and often are invoked by the political candidates with whom electorates identified. Regardless whether projections and identifications are self induced or invoked by political candidates, the election outcomes reflects electorates choices, and choices reflect electorates projections and identifications mechanisms.

By and large, unfortunately political candidates exploit electorate's social and psychological affinity to fears, lack of education, and lack of information to achieve political goals. Election outcomes are revelations of how much and how electorates social and ethnic defense mechanisms were exploited by the political candidates. By and large, political candidates also create misinformation to capitalize electorates fears, lack of education and information to achieve political ends as established over time such as providing corporations access to world resources and defending corporate interest with tax supported defense operation.

Election victories and defeats in of themselves are neither victories nor defeats of any significance in value as they merely appear to have at best face value signifying the losers and the winners. The significance lies in that... that victories and defeats reflect a nation's social and psychological pulse. The social and psychological pulse is significant as it reveals the collective state and stage of a nation's socio-political evolutionary status, and degree of receptivity of it's electorates to phenomenon such as swift-boating, racial prejudice, and bigotry.

Some thoughts, and it's time to ponder..........................

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