Monday, June 23, 2008

Brain And Conciousness

Brain and Consciousness are inseparable phenomena. During the early formative years as the life of the brain begins, so begins the life of consciousness. The consciousness grows as the brain shapes, grows, and develops it's neural network.

At birth the size of human brain is approximately a pound, and fully capable of carrying out the rudimentary life sustaining functions. The brain's physical growth during the first year of life is a phenomenon in of itself. The size of the brain doubles (approximately from one pound to two pounds) in a year post birth. The rate of conscious experience during the first year of life has not been fully recorded or proportioned to the rate of brain's physical growth. However, the significance of the first year's physical and consciousness growth and development has been well recognized. The rapid physical growth of brain slows during the next 16 years. The remainder third pound of physical brain growth occurs during the so called-developmental period (approximately 2-16 years post birth). During the developmental period as the brain comes to it's complete physical maturity, so does the enormity of conscious experience for the bearer of this remarkable brain mass.

During the formative and the adult years all forms of consciousness including the rate of learning acquisition capabilities, physical, and emotional growths are proportionate to a healthy growth and development of the brain.

Later in life, as the size of the brain begins to shrink due to aging process (the aging mystery still not completely understood, or rather not revealed by the brain's present evolved mass), and brain tissue loss occur due to disease(s), so does brain's capacity for cognitive and affective learning.

The robustness or lack robustness of consciousness is proportionate to the health of the brain. It can be argued that the brain simply is a mechanical transporting system of learning, thinking, feeling, and conscious experience. However, it has never been proven in conscious experience that consciousness exist without the brain mass.

In summary, the experience of consciousness of life is in proportion to our healthy brain; and the experience of fuzzy consciousness of life is in proportion to the brain mass dissemination to form a new brain, and a new consciousness.

A time to ponder.............................

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