Wednesday, June 18, 2008

History And Objectivity

Objectivity in of itself is difficult to define. It all depends on the premise and perspectives within which the so called-objectivity is defined. To ascertain objectivity of present history in the future is even more problematic. The best probable time, however, to ascertain objective information is in real time by documenting differing perspective, and documenting factual information. History is what it is HISTORY!, the past. The real time of the past was in it's present time. If the present is not well documented (differing perspective and factual information documentation) in the short term, then the long term history objectivity of the present will be lost for ever.

Usually those who can not defend their actions in present argue that the history in present can not be viewed objectively because of differing emotional passions and bias. Therefore, history can not be objective in short term. However, the arguments ignores for it's own reasons the key point that whatever is happening now can only be viewed now in real time, and rest is history. So, the objectivity of what is happening now can only be objective or otherwise in present time. The objectivity can only be ascertain of the occurrence of present within the prevailing premises of the present. History of the future will be the history of that time looking backwards with a premise of the future into the past. Therefore, the future history's objectivity at best will be objective or otherwise based on it's time's premises and emotional bias.

In summary, objectivity of the objectivity in of itself is difficult to define objectively. The history of present is truly in present in all it's biases. The history of the present in the future will be the history of the future of the present with biases of it's time.

A time to ponder....................

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