Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jay Leno And The American Oilmen

The Saudies announced today (June 21, 2008) that there is no shortage of oil. They have plenty of oil reserves.

In fact they assure us that they have enough to keep screwing us into the next century.

--Jay Leno

Well, Mr. Leno.... jokes and humors of yours are becoming more and more divergence tactics to divert attention from the real issues: American energy policies, electorates ignorance, and the home grown oilmen. The fossil fuel based energy policies, home grown oilmen, and the marketeers have been screwing for centuries, not necessarily Saudies. Commentary plus is not a fan of Saudies. However, Saudies are at best accomplice of our home grown oilmen. These home grown oilmen and the marketeers would continue to screw into the next century provided electorates are awakened, and the policy makers set policies to facilitate alternate energy solutions.

The electorates elected these oilmen, and so they do deserve the taste of what they asked for, and they do have a mouthful of fossil fuel taste. The problem is that the other half of the electorates those who did not vote for these oilmen have to suffer along with the deserving ones. Of course, the problem relating to fossil fuel has been perculating for a long before this group of oilmen arrived. The current group though has made the condition worse for the electorates and mighty good for themselves.

Isn't about time Mr. Leno, to turn jokes and humors to benefit the greater good, and provide protection from these oilmen and the likes, rather than helping them through jokes and humor diversions, and become their accomplice.

A time to ponder..................

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