Sunday, June 15, 2008

Culture Spider Web. And Social Evolution

Culture began with the beginning of life in it's simplest smallest form. Culture from it's simplest smallest form has evolved into current complex obesity. In it's current form, culture is what it is: A complex obese glob with justified and rationalized rules (with all it's good, bad, and uglies') governing a group of people (society) at a given time and space. There are varied cultures on this planet governing groups of people (societies).

All cultures share their deep rooted unexplained yet a deliberative passion sickness for rule making. With this rule making passion sickness each culture has evolved itself into operational rules. For example, each culture has set of rules to promulgate it's acculturation from one generation to another, rules of conservation, preservation, and illusions of immortality. There are cultural rules promulgating aesthetic beauty, rules of psychological and social sublimation (rules nevertheless). There are rules to promulgate science, rules of thoughts and methods of creation of theoretical constructs to understand the physical and biological rules. And there are, of course, rules to establish socio-political economic milieu, rules of power and control. There are many other rules such as rules to explain the unexplainable by rules of mystic and religion.

The rules create the ruthless cultural spider webs, and culture totem poles'. Each culture with it's culture spider webs' and totem poles competes, empowers, assimilates and eliminates competing cultures. This is--what in a simplest shortest form called social evolution.

A time to ponder......................

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