Friday, June 20, 2008

Waring Nations Politics, Politics, And More Politics

Political games started as soon as the arrival of two human beings was greeted by the planet earth. It takes only two to start the political game. In due course of time as population grew the collective politics took it's roots. Nations were formed. Wars were waged to subjugate, seek power and control, and create hierarchy (totem pole) of some kind. Waring nations politics is the game of ultimate brutality. The game of ultimate brutality and killing has not stopped ever since it's beginning....... in times immemorial.

Among the waring nations, the game of politics to control and seek power has become the ultimate game. From time to time, the game forms have changed. However, the nature and the purpose of waring nations political game remains unchanged. The purposes of warning nations political games were and are to subjugate, seek power and control, and create some kind of hierarchy, pure and simple. As the waring nations political games were played out; the wars were waged; nations were formed, or destroyed; power structures were created; resources were governed (controlled); totem poles were created; and moral and ethical rationales were developed to rationalize and justify the doings of wars, nation building, seeking power and control, and creating totem poles. This was and is an on going scenario of waring national politics. Overtly, the contemporary waring nation politics has become cultured and sophisticated, yet covertly it is as brutal as it has ever been.

In general, wars were and still are waged by waring nations leaders. The leaders those who had gained through politics the ultimate prize, the governing power. Since the waring nations had transferred power to State and it's governing body, the waring nation's citizenry were rarely capable of waging wars. So out of necessity emerged the politics of revolution. The citizenry of waring nations had engaged in revolutions, the politics of revolution that is. At the end of a revolution, if it was successful, a new power structure was created. Ironically, the new power structure started the cycle of waging wars all over again for the same purpose against which there was the revolution, a repeat of waring national politics.

The waring nations politics is played out in the name of a nation's constituents security, economics, welfare, pride, and patriotism, to name a few. Constituents needs are created, and then capitalized in one form or the other. The slogans are created, songs are written, flags are made, and the commercials are aired. The politics begins to look very exciting and somewhat noble. Why won't it look exciting and noble? After all, seemingly the constituents needs are being considered as paramount, so to speak; emotions are aroused, and with emotion comes camaraderie to capture the hearts and minds of nation's citizenry. In reality though constituents needs are manipulated for political gains. Ideologies are instituted for politics. It does not matter whether the ideology is drilled into the constituents brain by ideologues, religious good doers, free marketeers, bigots and hypocrites, racists of all kinds, commercials, or by an education system meant to brain wash constituents to serve the waring nation. It's all politics.

Waring nations politics is becoming refined, sugar coated, cultured with a touch of refined nationalism, a sprinkle of patriotism, a heavy dose of intellectualism, capitalizing the anger, frustration, and cynicism created by the politics for political gains. Every waring nation does the same as the other. Every waring nation knows each others purpose: power and control; control or be controlled. No wonder the paranoia is so prevalent among nations. Waring nations politics, politics, and more politics to change for better will require a transformed well informed and educated electorates.

A time to ponder.....................

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