Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Eight Hours of Testimony

Eight hours of testimony by Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker before US Senate, and Some Senators response summed it all as follows:

Quotation of the day cited in this mornings New York Times: "We haven't turned any corners. We haven't seen any lights at the end of the tunnel." Gen. David H. Petraeus

Senator McCain with all his claims of experience, and the years of the so called experience on key US Senate committees continues to demonstrate his lack of knowledge and experience regarding the difference among Sunni, Shia, Al Queda, and Iran.

Senator Evan Bayh statements sums it up: "We'll know when we get there, and we don't know when we're going to get there."

A time to ponder......................


Anonymous said...

Learn how to spell. The Republican nominee's name doesn't have an 'e' in it.

This was my first visit to your blog, and your week writing skills will prevent me from ever coming back.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reading the blog at commentaryplus. Please check out Mr. McCaine's website for spelling..There is an e at the end of Mr. McCaine's last name.