Friday, May 30, 2008

Simplified Version of Preventable Post Traumatic-Stress Disorder And Traumatic Brain Injury

There are at least two preventable traumas: Post traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Both PTSD and TBI are academically, socially, politically, economically, psychologically, and medically complex. There are voluminous writings. The following effort is to provide a simplified version. A simplified version.....there must be some trick to it. There is a physical evolution. There is a social evolution. There are psychological idiosyncrasies. There are political dramas. How could there be a simple version?.........

Briefly, human life as is known is a product of many things including psycho-social, economic, political, and physical evolutionary mass. Homo-sapient as a psycho-social, biochemical, anatomical, and physiological beings act and react in an evolutionary mass consistent with their inherited and acquired psycho-social, biochemical, anatomical, and physiological mass. The mass, however changes due to post traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). A change in mass brings profound change in life. A profound change...... so how could there be a simple version?.........

There are few physical and social evolutionary conclusions can be drawn based on the changes caused by these traumas. Alright. Some of the following conclusions are not difficult as they are rationally deduced and have been empirically substantiated. Sounds reasonable. However, there are some of the following conclusions indeed profound given the complexity of psycho-socio-political-economic variability. So it is not getting any simpler, isn't?. First, as a consequence of change in mass whether it is PTSD or TBI, the life itself changes. There is nothing profound about the conclusion that life changes because it does. The fact that life changes post PTSD and TBI has been socially and politically accepted, and that in of itself could be considered a profound social evolutionary change. Point made. Second, severity of these trauma will determine the level and degree of psychological, social, economic, and medical affects of these trauma on a person. Again, there is nothing profound about this conclusion either. However, this conclusion also is now socially and politically accepted is no small social evolution achievement, isn't?. Third, regardless of severity and affects thereof, both traumas (PTSD and TBI) induce psychological, biochemical, and brain morphological changes to last a life time. Hard to believe. The third conclusion that these traumas cause changes to last a life time though scientifically and rationally a possibility nevertheless is socially, politically, and economically controversial. Of course, whenever it happens.... the acceptance of the third conclusion that the changes caused by these traumas last a life time would be another profound social, political, and economic evolutionary advancement. There is a physical evolution that provides growth and development in physical mass, and PTSD and TBI alters the physical mass. There is a socio-political-economic evolution that establishes the growth and developental level of acceptance post PTSD and TBI. Both, physical and social evolution are far from complete. Now this must be the simple version!

In addition to establishing some basic premise as stated above to explain PTSD and TBI adverse affects on physical mass and life changing consequences, and profound changes in social, political, and economic acceptance, an effort has been made as follows to briefly explain the available options for cure, remedy, and treatment for PTSD and TBI. So far....where is the simple version?
Unfortunately, at this time there are no post trauma cures for PTSD and TBI. That's simple enough. There are limited available remedies and treatments. This must be the simple version? The remedies are rationally simple as both PTSD and TBI are preventable --- just avoid PTSD and TBI conditions ---yet difficult to practice in a irrational world of wars, ignorance, greed, economic and psychological insecurities, and varied life styles homo-sapient have chosen for themselves. Still waiting for the simple version.... Homo-sapient at this stage of their evolutionary growth and development have tremendous capacity to compound the problem of remedy with their psycho-social-political-economic justification and rationalization capacity. Now that's profoundly simple. In reality, homo-sapient have used their justification and rationalized capacity to create ethical, moral, and psychological rationalized relief from irrational behavior to justify their socio-political-economic life style making the remedy even more difficult. That's creativity in reverse, isn't?

At this stage of evolution since there are no cures, and remedies are difficult to practice, the treatment option is the only viable option for PTSD and TBI. The options are as follows:.


Medical follow-up and various medications including antidepressants medications are recommended to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders.

Psychotherapy such as cognitive, cognitive behavior, and exposure therapies are recommended to address psycho-social issues and reduce PTSD symptoms.


Once the condition is medically stable the following treatments to follow:

Medical follow-ups' to monitor conditions such as infection and adjustment in medication as needed; individually tailored physical, occupational, speech and language therapies; psychiatry, psychology, neurocognitive, and social work services as needed.

In general, the goals of PTSD and TBI treatments are identical: to reduce the probabilities of adverse affects and increase the probabilities of normalcy as conceived.

The lasting challenge:

How to achieve the cure and remedy? Are cures and remedies socially, politically, and economically achievable? Or it is all in physical and social evolution of which time has yet to come!!!! Still waiting for the simple version.....

A time to ponder..................................

Conflict of Interest And Politics

Senators Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham have requested a leave from a policy advisory board to avoid conflict of interest as they campaign for Senator McCain.

How gentlemanly, ethically, and morally nice thing to do to seek a leave....not resignation, a leave?

A political deception at it's best.

A time to ponder...............

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

During memorial day meeting with veterans Barack Obama was making an important point that there was a time in history when traumatic disorders related to post traumatic-stress disorders (PTSD) were not well recognized. For a change, it's about time to seriously address the condition of PTSD-- as Barack Obama is advocating-- rather than engage in political distraction as national republican party has chosen to do.

Briefly, PTSD is an anxiety disorder also known as an emotional illness due to life threatening experience such as military combat, sexual abuse, violent assault, rape, car or plane crash, kidnapping. The condition causes adverse psychological as well as biochemical changes such as change in cortisol (low secretion) and in catecholamine (high secretion) in urine, and morphological changes such as reduction in hippocampus. The hippocampus part of limbic system in the medial temporal lobe plays significant role in ailments such as Alzheimer's disease. The role of hippocampus in memory is well documented. Any condition including PTSD causing adverse psychological, biochemical changes, and reduction in hippocampus needs serious short term as well as long term medical and psychological remedies.

If it is true that Barack Obama's great uncle served in military and that he was involved in liberating concentration camp and that he had manifested post combat symptoms described by Obama, then Obama had every reason to be proud of his uncle's role in liberating concentration camp and equally concerned about his post combat condition to share with veterans to address the issue of PTSD among veterans.

PTSD is not a laughing matter, or a game for political diversion as national republican party (NRP) has chosen to do. Republican party needs to focus on addressing issues related to traumatic-stress disorders and other medical conditions including traumatic brain injury(TBI), and for a change truly support troops in times of their psychological and medical needs.

A time to ponder.......................

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quitter Complex Syndrome

APA Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) in it's new edition needs to include a new syndrome: "Quitter Complex Syndrome".

During this primary election-- which is not yet over-- senator Clinton has said so many times that she is not a Quitter that it is difficult to keep track of quitter tab census. Senator Clinton's preoccupation that she is not a quitter is challenging. Senator Clinton has right to continue to compete in election should that be her decision based on probable success, not to prove that she is not a quitter.

Senator Clinton's repetitious over time preoccupation could be read and simply explained as a political bravado oratory addressed to all present and past great leaders who decided not to contest primary election any more and moved on that they were quitters, and that senator Clinton is not. Or, senator Clinton's preoccupation could be something else that should be left to be addressed among herself, her family, and her therapist.

A time to ponder......................

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Political Statements And Implications......

The statement by Senator Clinton at the Argus Editorial Board in Sioux Falls, S.D. on 05/23/08 invoked a painful national and family tragedy. Regardless of explicit, implicit, intended or unintended implications roused by senator Clinton's statement, the fact that the statement was unfortunate can not be disputed. Senator Clinton apologized. However, there are social, psychological, and political implications senator Clinton must personally address. Senator Clinton, please no denials, no rationalization, just check it out at a deeper level either with self analysis or better with professional help.

Commentary plus recommends readers to consider reading commentary plus commentary titled " Surfacing Archetypes in Political Statements", March 11, 2008.

A time to ponder...................

Immigrants, Family Values, Hypocricy, And A Solution............

In an article titled "270 Illegal Immigrants Sent to Prison in Federal Push" published in N.Y. Times, May 24, 2008 Julia Preston wrote about arrests, trial, and mass jail sentencing in Iowa. The article pointed to defense lawyers plea regarding family value, and the judge who was moved by the defense pleading.

The federal judge Mark W. Bennett said: "I don't doubt for a moment that you are good, hard-working people who have done what you did to help your families. Unfortunate for you, you have committed a violation of federal law."

Briefly, the rationale of being good hard-working and the family values is not a good defense in comparison to the rationale of federal law. In a rule of law proceeding, law prevails. The end to be good hard-working to help the family does not justify the means should the means be in conflict with the law. The law is based on a rationale, and the rationale has social and political justification.

The issue here is that there is a push for the enforcement of the law while there is no push for the good hard-working family values by the electorates those who voted for the family values in 2000 and 2004 general election. Where is the outrage? Where is the outrage for human values?Where is the family value conscious of those who politicized family values? At a more practical level, where is the outrage and passion for elimination of poverty, the root cause? The immigrants were here not because they were criminals, on the contrary they were good, hard-working, and wanted to help their families.

So.... what is the solution? More than ever, in a current globalized world there is a need to build economically productive self sustaining mass education system. There are resources and technology to achieve economically productive self-sustaining mass education. What is needed is the leadership and the will of the nation, the leader of the free world.

A time to ponder.......................

Friday, May 23, 2008

Are We Voting For A Civilian Or A Military Government?

McCain blasts Obama for never having served in military--A USA News Top Stories (05/23/08).

It is interesting that during every election military service becomes a talking point for some. Now it has become a talking point for Mr. McCain. Instead of responding to a simple question as to why is he posturing against a House bill favoring veterans with three years of service, Mr. McCain has chosen to invoke military service talking point. A typical distraction and diversion political game: when caught pants down engage in distraction and diversion.

Politicize support the troops, flag pin, and patriotism but when it comes to really supporting the troops, really supporting the principles that flag exemplifies, and really supporting to build country's infrastructure and a 21st century industrial base and improving health and education which could help displaced blue color labor force and the veterans, Mr. McCain has chosen to do what politicians have been done before..... distract and divert attention from the key point.

Mr. McCain's service must be honored, however Mr. McCain must demonstrate honor for the civilian rule and act more in favor of rather than posturing against what is in the best economic, social, and educational interest of veterans.

Most importantly, Mr. McCain and the like minded must answer a simple question: Are we having an election for a civilian (for the people, by the people....) or for a military (for the military, by the military....) government? It would be nice to hear a favourable response or just a response from Mr. McCain and the like minded politicians and electorate. However, it would be naive to expect one. The best we could hope that Mr. McCain and the like minded would do some soul searching and self analysis for their own peace of mind and mental health, and for the good of a civilian government in the country.

A time to ponder.....................

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev(Russian Cowboy) Led Nation to Bankruptcy

The real story is that Kennedy policies including talking to enemies led to American image triumph in the world, and Khrushchev's reckless behaviors like shoe pounding at UN, wall building in Germany, and missile adventures in Cuba provided no image triumph in the world, and led his nation to bankruptcy and the end of USSR followed.

There is a lesson embedded in history, and in recent seven years of experience in our own country, that it is not the talk that should be considered a dreadful inexperience foreign policy rather it is the reckless inexperience behavior like that of Mr. Khrushchev(Russian cowboy) should be considered a dreadful foreign policy.

New York Times OP-Ed, Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed, May 22, 2008 by Nathan Thrall & Jesse James Wilkins presents a view point that lacks deeper understanding of dynamics of human psyche in international context. Khrushchev's the so called lecture to Kennedy demonstrated Khrushchev's inexperience and sense of fear not his experience and sense of strength. Kennedy's ability to listen and self evaluation demonstrated his experience and sense of strength. During a talk all is not going to come out in one's favour. A party may hear some truth that hurts which Thrall and Wilkins Op-Ed considered as pounding. The young insightful Kennedy, however balanced it with deeds such as peace corp and improved the American image while Khrushchev(Russian cowboy) balanced it with his reckless behavior and set the pace of his own country's socioeconomic and image destruction.

Thrall and Wilkins's perception that Khrushchev triumphed demonstrate Thrall and Wilkins's inexperience and sense of fear. No more implicit or explicit, intended or unintended fear mongering.

The president of the United States must have at his or her disposal all options including the talk options with or without conditions. Most importantly, American president must be intelligent, insightful, a good listener, and have better understanding of dynamics of human psyche in international context.

Commentaryplus recommends that New York Times consider an editorial titled:

Kennedy Talked And Triumphed, Khrushchev's Reckless Behavior Led a Nation to Bankruptcy

A time to ponder............................

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rules of Laws.....

Rules of laws are as good or bad as their premise. For example in energy sector, there are laws subsidizing, glorifying, and rewarding executives and corporations with high executive pay and huge profits under the disguise the so called free market and under the protection of rules of laws. If there is free market, and profits are huge then why subsidy. Unfortunately, it seems the country has accepted this rule of law. The senate hearings are at best cathartic. In reality, it sensitizes and emboldens corporations and the executives to do more what they have been doing to reap high pay and huge profit.

It has been said before that alternate renewable energy is one of the answer. How do we get there?

It's time to enact renewable energy laws, and take away the subsidy from corporations failing to provide huge return on the subsidy given to them from public funds consistent with the kind of huge profit energy corporations and it's executives expect for themselves. Any question.......

Time to ponder.................

Education, Education, Education And A Commodity Called Think

There is so much of misinformation and ignorance among us--some of them self created either by denials or delusions-- that nobody can blame anyone--won't stop anyone either-- without blaming themselves for all the calamities of the world caused by all kinds of floating misinformation and ignorance.

There are simple solutions to correct misinformation and ignorance. However, there are no simple solutions to devalue the value of misinformation and ignorance for those who benefit from misinformation and ignorance. Just see all those food, medical, pharmaceutical, entertainment, political commercials benefiting the media Moguls. As long as misinformation and ignorance is valuable and marketable in a market driven society the solutions are not going to be very effective.

Education, Education, and a Commodity called Think could be a great place to start to change misinformation and ignorance. Of course, it all depends who is instituting education and thinking to seek what goals, political, ideological or other wise.

The best possible personal responsibility, if there is one, is to be informed and seek elimination of ignorance for personal and common good. Isn't easy? Is there any better choice?
Think again......

A time to ponder......................

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Obama's Laser

This morning's CBS News Headlines has featured that "Obama Lashes Back At Bush, McCain". However, the most appropriate headline would have been as follows:

Obama Laser Back At Bush, McCain.

A time to ponder.....................

Opportunistic Society

Slip (slip of tongue) has been considered a very revealing psychological phenomenon about a person's important unconscious belief and persona. The following quote is very telling indeed. President Bush's unconscious mind is honest, and appears to be revealing the true nature of our society.

"The public education system in America is one of the most important foundations of our democracy. After all, it is where children from all over America learn to be responsible citizens, and learn to have the skills necessary to take advantage of our fantastic opportunistic society".*

--George W. Bush

In his Dry drunk like behavioral symptoms Mr. Bush some times reveals what he truly thinks of the United States of America as a society.

A time to ponder....................

*From The Chimp-o-Matic

Friday, May 16, 2008

An Evolving Brain And Political Selection/Mutation Phenomenon

Briefly, brain has and continues to evolve through selection and mutation evolution. Brain is an evolving matter mass which experiences sense, converts sensory experience into perceptual meaningful domains, and amalgamates sensory and perceptual experiences into consciousness. The evolving brain mass is what it is: an evolving experiencing matter mass. This mass is evolving within the contextual mass of the universe. As the mass of the universe evolves (changes) so does the brain mass. Therefore,...... today's or this moment's conscious experiences based on current brain mass are not going to be exactly the same conscious experience again in the future, or for that matter in the next moment (future in shotest possible time). Each sensory, perceptual, and experiential consciousness in of itself is an evolving experience which is evolution (a differing proposition than traditional theoretical constructs). In short, evolution has a contextual mass, an evolving brain mass, and evolving brain mass's experience within the contextual mass.

Human brain as it has evolved has developed varied forms of skills and competence including language. Language is used in evolution experience including to communicate, to name, explain, conceptualize, engage in imagination, and in discourse about explained and unexplainable sensory, perceptual, and experiential consciousness. In evolution, individual and collectively the mass of individual experiences have converged into varied forms of cognitive, affective, and psycho-motor knowledge (knowing about varied phenomena) and of skills (know hows). All forms of experience, knowledge, and know hows are in of themselves part of evolution phenomenon.

Given the above premise, the political discourse and election process is in of itself an evolution phenomenon. The political discourse and election process have evolved as an evolution phenomenon. The candidates and electorate play a significant role in the selection/mutation evolutionary phenomenon, don't they?.

And the hope is that the brain that comes out of this process is not mutilated, deformed, ethnocentric, and xenophobic.

A time to ponder.........................

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Naivete And Inexperience And Reckless And Lack of Judgment of John McCain

Senator McCain has been on this planet for the last 71 years. He has been on Foreign Relations Committee for a long time, yet he does not know the difference between Shia and Sunni. He does not know whether Shia or Sunni are being trained by Iran. He made reckless judgment in error in voting for Iraq war at the time when Senators like Bob Graham and like minded senators raised serious questions. Senator Barack Obama's judgment turn out to be superior in comparison with senator McCain's naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack of judgment.

To make conditions worse, senator McCain surrounds himself with lobbyist who support dictators and military junta rulers like in Myanmar, and in his naivete Mr. McCain believes if he does that... that helps building America's image around the world as an advocate of democracy and human rights. These are just few yet critical samples of senator McCain's naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack of judgement.

There are individuals who make mistakes and learn, and then there are those who exemplify their incompetence due to chronic naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack judgement. Any questions regarding Senator McCain's naivete and inexperience and reckless and lack judgment.

Time to ponder........................

Socio-political Perceptions, Projections, And Prejudices

It's election year. It has been a long election year that really started last year. Well, no it really started a year before with congressional election. Just think of it, it had not stopped since the last presidential election.....or for that matter since supreme court appointed our president.

During a continuous spinning election cycle electoral socio-political perceptions become muddled with their self projections combined with their insecurities with which comes the fear that justifies everything to bearers of prejudicial human brain ----evolved or created does not matter--- including xenophobia along with technicolor dose of other varied prejudices such as race and gender just to name a few. It's a justified, in psychological terms a rationalized, and ending in political warfare arena.

In a broader spectrum the national and international political war fares of all kind turn into a competitive drama among competitors (friends and foes alike) to justify whose prejudices are superior. In the name of their socio-political justified prejudices humans continue to subjugate whomever they could, and collectively wage wars against each other...............And then we hear ethical, moral, and religious sermons of all kinds to justify our ill doing, aren't we smart?

A time to ponder......................

Monday, May 12, 2008


Xenophobia (irrational fear or hatred of others (foreigners) and religiosity baggage are dreadful diseases promulgated by our psycho-social and biological insecurities, and from time to time spread by individuals and groups to achieve their political, religious, and economic agendas to name a few.

During election year xenophobia and religiosity become tools to distract electorate from key issues such as education, tax, health, alternate energy and industry, and a robust inclusive foreign policy which promotes human rights and protects the planet earth from pollution. It is important that the candidates reveal themselves and explain their views. The candidates do some explaining during primaries and general election. The challenge lies with the electorate to sort out what is being said and meant. Equally it is important that the electorate do their self examining and explain themselves with personal self analysis or better with some professional help their xenophobia and religiosity baggage that they themselves may harbor. Should electorate fail to understand their affinity with xenophobia and religiosity then as a consequence most likely they will surround themselves with those who will use xenophobia and any other irrational fear and religiosity to achieve their political goals which may not be in electorate's self interest.

So....what's it going to be folks .... Are we going to be controlled and used by xenophobia mongers? Or are we going to understand the nature and the debilitating conditions of xenophobia and religiosity baggage and save our democracy (by the people, for the people..) from xenophobia mongers?.

A time to ponder.................

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Passion Vs Passion of John Edwards

"How can anyone run for Democratic nominee for president and not have a universal health care plan? This is a huge, huge difference and I feel passionate about".

__ Hillary Clinton
Children's Hospital in Portland, Ore
May 9,2008

The devil lies in detail including the affordability and the mandatory imposition of a plan of which Mrs. Clinton is so passionate about. It seems that it is the plan she is passionate about not necessarily health care.

So far Mrs. Clinton's passion has been to win at all cost. Mrs. Clinton's passion has been winning a political war by 3 a.m calls and generating fears similar to Goldwater fear mongering. Mrs. Clinton's passions are varied. The worse of all her divisive political passion of playing race and gender cards of all shapes, colors and class. Mrs. Clinton could be a diva but she isn't, has potential which she is destroying by minutes, hours and days...

During this election period Mr. John Edwards was with real passion. If there is anyone whose passion, ideas and ideals needs to be recognized during Democratic nominee process should be of John Edwards passion to eliminate poverty from America, and for that matter even better democratic party and democratic candidates for all posts need to generate a passion to eradicate poverty from the planet earth.

There is a difference between political passion and the passion that matters.

A Time to ponder..........................

Inexperience of "Experienced"

With all the blunders and failures of the past including Iraq war hearing from a man the so-called.. rather self-appointed experienced politician like Mr. John McCain is like hearing a rationalized man in denial on CNN. Mr. McCain is using his the so-called experience to establish and re-establish failed policies. Mr. McCain is so inexperienced and naive despite of his 71 years of living on this planet that he does not know the difference between Shia and Sunni and depends on his surrogates to help him out.

A time to ponder.............................

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Electoral Mysteries And Our Great Leaders And Great Leader

If I become president, we're going to have emergency-room care, we're going to have gag orders.

___George W. Bush
St. Louis, Mo 10/18/2000
during the third presidential debate

If you don't stand for anything. you don't stand for anything! If you don't stand for something. you don't stand for anything!*

___George Bush
Bellevue, WA 11/02/2000
Said to a packed rally at Bellevue

I wasn't happy when we found out there wasn't weapons (WMD in Iraq).*

__George Bush
St. Louis. MO 10/8/2004
in the second presidential debate

And the electorate rewarded Mr. Bush with the nation's highest office in 2000 and 2004, and made him the leader of the free world.

Of course, President Bush had a so-called broader base of coalition, not to mention the Supreme Court, including the "White Americans", the "White Americans" senator Clinton was talking about on 05/08/08. She said "I have much broader base to build a winning coalition on" in reference to Senator Obama from whom she says the "White Americans" are increasingly turning away.

Does this the so-called broad coalition of senator Clinton include former president Bill Clinton's "... economically insecure white people" as he called them, and Senator Clinton's "Screw'em" southern working class whites as she called them?.

Has senator Barack Obama ever insulted any white people, or for that matter anyone else?

Time to ponder...............................

*Quotes taken from The Chimp-O-Matic

New Movement New Politics

There is a new movement to make a great nation even better. Senator Clinton has a choice whether she wants to go in history as a spoiler of 2008 or as an insightful and a graceful leader-- which she has been and could be-- who joined and gave the new movement an added energy that united and transformed a great nation into a new greatness. Senator Clinton is not a quitter, nor were the great leaders such as John Edwards, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich as they left the primaries. There is a wisdom in transforming and moving forward as demonstrated by Edwards, Dodd, Richardson, Biden, and Kucinich.

It's time for a new generation and a new progressive politics to move beyond the politics of the past including the do gooder politics to which Bill and Hillary have been a part. Do gooder politics with all it's faults had brought many positive developments. Nevertheless, it was what it was, a do gooder phenomenon. Whatever the faults of the do gooder politics were can be relinquished as the new progressive era begins. It's time for all experienced leaders to follow leaders like Dodd and Richardson who have joined the new movement. In doing so they will pass on the power and good energy of the past progressive politics to a new generation of inclusive energetic evolving progressive politics.

A time to ponder......................

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Victory For Obama And His Supporters, And Time For Super Delegate To Move

Now senator Obama has more delegates and more popular votes than he had prior to Indiana and North Carolina primaries. With all the negativity from senator Clinton, vote pandering, beer drinking, media and Wright saga......... Obama, his supporters, and the nation's Will and passionate desire for a new direction has once again won. A 14 percent North Carolina victory, and suspense in Indiana let us see how media addresses itself........

Had senator Clinton been in senator Obama's position with more delegate, more popular votes, and more state victories......Do you think the super delegates would have encouraged senator Obama to go on with remainder primaries rather than preserving economic and human energy to win in November?

Time to ponder..................

Election Autopsy.....More to Come

Commercials and senator Clinton's statements are revealing of her true self. Bin Laden commercial, clouds, 3 am call, and threat to obliterate Iran, bullet stories are just few samples of what slipping out out of her real self. Well, we wouldn't expect any less from a Goldwater girl, would we?

Time to ponder.....................

Monday, May 5, 2008

Nobody Said Anything When They Came Including Mrs. Clinton

David Brooks in his May 2, 2008 New York Times Op-Ed quoted Mrs. Hillary Clinton's narrative:

"They came for the steel companies and nobody said anything. They came for the auto companies and nobody said anything. They came for the office companies, people who did white-collar service jobs and nobody said anything. And they came for the professional jobs they could be outsourced, and nobody said anything."

Has anyone asked or rather told Mrs. Clinton that she was one of those who did not say anything?

Time to ponder.................

The Politics of Making And Losing Money

Pastor Wright is living in the past and is divisive, and he is making money. Mrs. Clinton threatens to obliterate Iran and makes up bullet stories and is divisive, and she is making money. Senator McCain's pastor Rod Parsley showing his dark side of America and is divisive, and he is making money. American media is doing well with their political games and commercials is divisive, and guess what media is making money too. Of course, the media owners are laughing on their way to bank along with the rest of the money maker politicians and pastors.

Americans who have lost their jobs or have better than chance to lose their occupations to past and present imbalanced globalization and economic policies; who have greater than chance to lose their homes to foreclosures due to Greenspan and Bush policies; who are paying and will pay more their take home pay to food and gasoline, are the ones, it seems, holding to their past perceptions and politics that precipitated their predicament, and once again the same group might vote against their self interest as they have done so in 2000 and 2004. It is no wonder that they have lost money in the past, and once again have better than chance to lose money once more.

Power groups, rich, and smart players of politics make money, and the losers are the poor and the ignoramus.

Time to ponder.......................