Saturday, August 16, 2008

The World of Ignorance And The Greed

Sleep in peace as the night falls, the stars dance, moon lights the glorious planet at no cost.

Let the stars, moons, and galaxies set a freedom model for the planet's inhabitants before in it's own greed the planet is lost.

Planet's resources swindle, mutilated, and converted into bombs to kill each other on the road to nowhere but rust and dust.

The solutions like political swine games played out in capitals around the world has not made any better for the populous but for a few, a slot lot.

Out of human ignorance emerges the fathomless power of destruction in every corner of the planet, for no other reason but to seek almighty control and power to subvert human destiny a lot.

Sleep in peace as night falls, stars dance, and moon lights the glorious planet at no cost; tomorrow the world of greed begins at a high cost.

A time to ponder...........................

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