Monday, August 11, 2008

Exuberant Greenspan Melody

The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move. The products are produced, markets are developed, and public funds are used to shield the private sector from it's responsible liability. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move.

The cheap markets are develop to produce, produce, and more produce to make the paper wealth grow. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move.

Neither products nor markets are necessarily always conducive to the growth and development of human Self, the universe. The products and markets created to sell the products detrimental to the universe with deleterious effects on human growth and development are shielded from exuberant Greenspan Melody. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move.

The political use of the word free to the so called free trade, and free to the so called free market place is a political divergence and misuse of the sacred word free, a cover for industries producing the deleterious products, market place, and a shield for the politicians and their conflict of interest. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move

Couldn't there be a market place congruent to human growth and development in a healthy universe? Couldn't there be an alignment to adjust the Exuberant Greenspan Melody and greed to human healthy need?

A time to ponder................

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