Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ambivalence of Ambivalence Regarding Self

The ambivalence of ambivalence regarding the Self compounds when the art, and the science studying human Self create labels such as narcissist, masochist, sadistic, and developmentally dysfunctional for describing human Self. These labels connote negativity about human Self when the negativity is the product of varied social and cultural order including a permeating philosophy that demeans human Self.

The Self love is not narcissist. The Self love is the key to loving the other Self. The issue is not whether Self love is negative rather what made the Self love not to love the other Self. In a social and cultural order where protecting Self becomes a necessity for survival, the social and cultural order needs the study and modification, not creating a negative label for the human Self as a substitute.

Human Self is not inherently narcissistic; human Self is not inherently masochistic; human Self is not inherently sadistic; human Self is not inherently developmentally dysfunctional. Labeling human Self as negative is a divergence from a narcissist, masochist, sadistic, and developmentally dysfunctional social and cultural order.

Human Self is inherently loving for it's survival, and equally loving of the other Self for the survival of mutual shared Self. The Self love, and the respect for the Self love is critical in loving and respecting the other Self. How could a person love and respect the other Self while denying the respect and love for his or her own Self?

Self is the Atman, the core of living.

A time to ponder...............

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