Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happiness And Sorrow

Life's happiness and sorrows are commercialized; making happiness and sorrow nothing but commodities of the market not of the heart.

The clouds, the simmering breeze, sunrise and the sunset, the chirping of birds, and all the natures free gifts are for you to behold; be true to your heart, savor the life at it's best, and not be the commodity for commercialized test.

The nature's stillness, tree's steadfast boldness, flowers on ground, and the fragrance in the air, all are for you free to hold; don't let the artificial coloring, and commercial dangling shape you into a commodity mold.

Be true to your heart; feel all the feelings of life that comes your way; happiness, sorrow, and all the feelings are to bring you closer to your heart.

Feelings no matter how they come your way are your core of living; keep them for yourself to be shared with whom your heart desires; don't let the commercial coloring take away what is your and right.

A time to ponder............

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