Monday, August 18, 2008

Planet In Distress

Sun looks on the planet earth with sadness, and sorrow mount; the wind blows in momentary chocking distress; Georgia president is throwing temper tantrum with his GI Joe's; Putin is angry, and he is misread by all in Washington power circle including by Rice, the ice, and by Cheney, the chicanery. Gates says foreign policies are based on interest and the reality, but oblivious that among conflicting interests and realities adversaries may have the same premise, setting the collision course. Thus, ensue the senseless build up of military industrial complex acknowledged and feared by our eminent President Eisenhower. A good news for military industrial complex, and bad news for the planet and the humanity.

Sadness abound as planet earth is surrounded by senseless fighting machines, machines, and more machines; And politicians, the hawks and the doves alike, are making adversarial policies that enhances the military industrial complex while Billions have no access to education, and Billions more live on less than a loaf of bread every day.

The planet is in distress with fossil fuel burning, pollution mounting, poverty and hunger spreading while the modern day Nero's are playing the war fiddle.

A time to ponder.......................

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