Tuesday, August 5, 2008

If You Have To Live, Live By The Openness Of The Day

If you have to live; Live by the openness of the day not by the darkness of the night.

Days and nights both have become the controlled entities and the possessions of the might.

By the day you may have a chance to see the darkness of living bestowed under the disguise of pomp and show of tinkered rights like "consumers" right?

By the night you have less of a chance to see the darkness of circumventing political slights of the might for the causes other than what is right.

What is right like human rights are controlled and subdued by the power and the might in every day and night.

Human rights have become the token rewards to be bestowed as "right" in pieces in return for a plight of the might.

The plights of the might are so slight and muddled that rights do not seem anymore to be right.

When human rights are bestowed, then they aren't right any more; So, live by the day's light; do not follow the darkness of the might to slight the plight, and make the right, right.

A time to ponder................

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