Thursday, August 21, 2008

Social, Economical, Psychological, And Biological Need

A new social order with new needs and needier ailments surrounds the planet year round.

Social, economical, psychological, and biological needs and the needier are in demand; Greater the numbers of needs, and the needier, the bigger the business, and larger the profit; A needier consumer oriented social, economic, and business order is thriving on needs and the needier.The new social order needs the needs and the needier to be around.

A needier consumer oriented social, economic, and business order is capitalizing on existing needs, creating new needs, and filling the airways with commercials to make consumers to want the newly created needs. More has become the mantra, and the social order's sweet sound.

More products are created, planet resources are depleted, the consumers are bloated, planet is polluted, cancers are on the rise, and so are the GDP, and the wealth of the gloated business hound.

A new social order with new needs and needier ailment surrounds the planet year round.

A time to ponder.......................

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