Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trust And War

Vulnerabilities surround making trust vulnerable; choose trust over vulnerabilities, and make your heart trusting to chip away the vulnerabilities of all times.

Trust fashioned in superficial trusting camouflage accelerates distrusts like poison ivy's evergreen color camouflage making plant ever most distrusting; The rumbling of volcanic fire ravages the earth's surface; the earth trusts itself, and responds vulnerability with sprouting new life in time.

Trust can not be spread by planning the dominance for the sake of power and control, and not trust for living, loving, learning , and evolving; hoping to gain trust by sear dominance, power, and control political game is a political hope in it's delusion destined to cause wars, wars, and more wars in time.

Heed the wisdom of planet earth; accept who we are: an evolving mass with great potential for living, loving, learning, and evolving with destructive volcanic fire burning inside inflicting pain and suffering; make living, loving, learning, and evolving to respond to our volcanic fire with sprouting trust in time.

A time to ponder...................

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