Saturday, August 9, 2008

Reality To Be

Conflicting emotions abound when someone we knew or loved leaves the mortal world; Someone whom we will now never meet, see, or share the experience of mortal moments of living that will follow.

There is an ambivalent feeling and sense of void; the images, and the words of the passing surrounds... filling the void with memory now; the memory that too will pass with us one day in the inevitability of a cosmic moment to follow.

In passing, a unification begins in lights of particles shared by all the passing; the person we knew is in unison with the cosmic light that we like others will follow.

The grief and the grieving is the beginning of unification in unison with the passing; Grieving, a transient experience of living for now, until our cosmic uplifting to follow.

These words are not the words of a pontiff, rabbi, preacher, imam, or pundit; but words of a grieving heart not looking for soothing pontificated sermonized words but the reality that soon to be.

All this juxtaposition is a little silly as we don't know much about much to know here and after.

Thought solace is what is to gain which has been the theme of the pandering pontificated sermonized words of finality. The unification with light particles is a plausibility as any life without light particles is an implausible. Our reformulation and emergence in an evolving cosmic universe is more plausible than any finality sermonized here and after.

A time to ponder..............

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